
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Memorial of Saints (August 31)

on August 31:

  • Raymund Nonnatus, confessor;
  • Paulinus of Trier, bishop;
  • Aidan of Lindisfarne, bishop

Friday, August 30, 2024

Memorial of Saints (August 30)

on August 30:

  • Felix and Adauctus, martyrs;
  • Pammachius;
  • Rumon or Ruan;
  • Fantinus, abbot;
  • Margaret Ward, martyr

St. Fantinus (10th century A.D.) was a Basilian monk and abbot of a monastery in Calabria. He suddenly left the monastery and went about preaching of an impending destruction. His prophetic action was confirmed, when the Saracens came to invade their monastery. He travelled to Greece, and finally landed in Salonika, where he died. Fantinus came to be known for the miracles he is reputed to have performed.

St. Margaret Ward (d. ca. 1588 A.D.) was born in Congleton, England. She was arrested together with her Irish servant, John Roche, for helping Fr. Richard Watson escape from Bridewell Prison. Both were offered freedom if they would ask the Queen's pardon. When they both refused, they were both hanged, drawn and quartered, because they refused to divulge the priest's hiding place.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Memorial of Saints (August 29)

on August 29:

  • Beheading of John the Baptist, martyr;
  • Sabina, martyr;
  • Medericus or Merry, abbot

St. Sabina (d. ca. 119 A.D.) was converted by her Christian Syrian servant, Serapia. Serapia suffered martyrdom for her faith during the reign of Emperor Hadrian. Sabina suffered martyrdom also a month later.

St. Medericus, or Merry (d. ca. 700 A.D.) was born at Autun, France. He entered a monastery at the very young age of 13 and eventually became abbot. His holiness attracted many to the monastery and so he decided to be a hermit. When he became ill, he was obliged to return. In his old age, he went on pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Germanus in Paris. He resumed his life of a hermit near the city where he eventually passed away.

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