
Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Commemoration of Saints (February 18)

Solemnities, Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials, and Traditional Dates of Commemoration

  • Simeon, bishop and martyr
  • Leo and Paregorius, martyrs
  • Flavian, bishop and martyr
  • Helladius, bishop
  • Colman of Lindisfarne, bishop
  • Angilbert, abbot
  • Theotonius, abbot
  • John of Fiesole

St. Colman of Lindisfarne (d. ca. 676 A.D.) was bishop-abbot of the great monastery of Lindisfarne. He played a key role in 664 A.D. to resolve the differences between the Roman and Celtic practices regarding the dating of Easter and other observances, and the relationship of local churches to the see of Rome. He defended the Celtic ecclesiastical practices against St. Wilfrid and St. Agilbert. When the King ruled in favor of St. Wilfrid, St. Colman resigned from his episcopate and returned to a monastery he founded on the Isle of Inishbofin off the coast of Connacht, where they continued their practice of the Celtic rites. When dissension broke out between the Irish and the English monks, he founded another monastery at Mayo and was abbot of both monasteries.

St. Theotonius (1086-1166 A.D.) was the abbot of the Monastery of the Holy Cross in Portugal. Born in Spain, he was the nephew of a Bishop of Coimbra in Portugal and was ordained a priest. He was diligent in his duties and gained a reputation for his sanctity. When repeatedly urged to accept a position as bishop, he refused to do so. After two pilgrimages to the Holy Land, Theotonius decided to enter a monastery, becoming one of the original members of the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. St. Theotonius lived the last thirty years of his life in the Monastery of the Holy Cross before dying at the age of eighty.

Saints in the Byzantine Calendar [February 18]

  • Leo the Great, Pope of Rome

Monday, February 17, 2025

Commemoration of Saints (February 17)

Solemnities, Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials, and Traditional Dates of Commemoration

  • Seven Founders of the Order of Servites
  • Theodulus and Julian, martyrs
  • Loman, bishop
  • Fintan of Cloneenagh, abbot
  • Finan, bishop
  • Evermod, bishop
  • Silvin, bishop

St. Buonfiglio Monaldo (d. 1261 A.D.) was one of the the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order. Bonfiglio, Alexis, Manettus, Amadeus, Hugh, Sostene and John Buonagiunta were seven men of the town of Florence who became bound to each other in a spiritual friendship. They eventually felt called by Mary, mother of Jesus, towards whom they practised an intense devotion. All of them were ordained (except for Alexis Falconieri) and Bonfiglio was elected as their first superior general with their first foundation just outside of Florence, Italy.

The Servite community soon spread to other Italian cities. At the invitation of King St. Louis, Manettus, whose real name was Benedict Dell' Antell, introduced the Order to France, and Sostenes, whose real name was Gerardino Sostegni, brought their charism to Germany. In time their charism spread all over Europe. When Manettus became the fourth superior general, he sent missionaries to Asia.

The Servite Order and its charism was papally approved in 1304 A.D. by Pope Benedict XI, at which only St. Alexis Falconieri, one of the original seven, was still alive. He was 110 years old when he died on February 17, 1310 A.D., on which date the Servite Order is commemorated. The seven founders were co-jointly canonized by Pope Leo XIII in 1888 A.D. as the "Seven Holy Founders". Their feast appears on the General Roman Calendar. It was made a feast of the Universal Church by Pope Pius VII in 1814 A.D.

The feast of the Servites today, February 17, is commemorated as an Optional memorial. An optional memorial is a feast day that can be observed at the discretion of the priest or those reciting the Liturgy of the Hours.

Optional Memorials

  • Optional memorials are feast days of saints that the Church encourages the faithful to celebrate.
  • The rules for celebrating optional memorials are the same as those for obligatory memorials.
  • The only difference is that optional memorials are not required to be observed.
  • The whole Church observes the memorials of saints who are of "universal significance".
  • These memorials are marked in the general liturgical calendar.
  • The memorial of the Servite Order is an example of an optional memorial.

Related blog posts:

  • St. Alexis Falconieri, Servite and centenerian, Learn more
  • Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order, Learn more at

Saints in the Byzantine Calendar [February 17]

  • St. Theodore of Tyre, the Great Martyr
  • Memory of St. Mariamna, sister of Philip, the Apostle

Because the Saints whose lives were really way back in the history of the Christian faith, many are based on pious stories which are handed down from generation to generation. Thus, inaccuracy and identification with other Saints' names are possible. One example is St. Theodore of Tyre (d. ca. 306 A.D.) whose feast is celebrated in the Byzantine Calendar today, February 17. Some sources reveal that he may be the same as St. Theodore of Heraclea, a general in the army of Emperor Licinius.

St. Theodore of Tyre or Theodore Tiro was a (tiro) recruit in the Roman army. He was brought before his officer-in-charge because he refused to participate in the pagan rites of his comrades in arms. When he was temporarily freed, he set fire to one of the pagan temples. He was therefore brought before judges again, and tortured. After a third examination, he was sentenced to death and burned to death in a furnace.

Theodore of Tire is considered one of the "warrior saints", but much of the story of his life is not recorded. His name is associated with other names: Theodore of Stratelates and Theodore of Heraclea. One thing may be more certain. Since he is known to have died in ca. 306 A.D., then his death as a martyr has some certainty since 306 A.D. was really the period of the early Christian martyrs. A lot still has to be verified and made more certain.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Commemoration of Saints (February 16)

Solemnities, Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials, and Traditional Dates of Commemoration

  • Onesimus, martyr
  • Juliana, virgin and martyr
  • Elias, Jeremy and Companions, martyrs
  • Gilbert of Sempringham

Saints in the Byzantine Calendar [February 16]

  • Sts. Pamphylius, Valentine, Paul, Seleucus, Porphyrus, Julian, Theoulus, and the five Martyrs of Egypt, Elias, Jeremias, Isaias, Samuel and Daniel
  • Flavianus, Archbishop of Constantinople