
Sunday, December 15, 2024

3rd Sunday of Advent (C)

(Edited) Sunday Reflections (from) Liturgical Years 2011 (A), 2012 (B), and 2013 (C)

3rd Sunday of Advent (C), December 16, 2012
Liturgical readings
Zephaniah 3:14-18a
Isaiah 12
Philippians 4:4-7
Luke 3:10-18

"What ought we to do?"

In the gospel reading Last Sunday, St. John is depicted as preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. In this Sunday's gospel, (the feast of Gaudete Sunday), John the Baptist continues to preach - addressing himself to three groups of people: those who have a surplus of basic needs, a group of tax collectors, and a company of soldiers. These groups of people are the rich, and those employed by the Roman empire to have power over its subjects (financially and by military force). When John proclaimed a baptism of repentance, these groups of people wanted to know what that meant for them. So they asked John directly. St. John was very practical in his response: he instructed them to care for those who were marginalized in the Empire - the poor and the powerless.

St. John's appearance in the Jordan area reminded the people of God's promises to Israel (as it is also expressed through the prophet Zephaniah: "Shout for joy, O daughter Zion...the Lord has removed the judgment against you.") John's appearance made the people wonder: 'Is John the Messiah?' John however said plainly that he was not, and that the Messiah will come soon, to baptize the people with the Holy Spirit and with fire. But before this baptism of the Messiah was to be fulfilled, John had to work and call the people Israel back to God: to repent and to care for others. He exhorted those with surpluses and those who wielded authority and power, to use them not as the pagans do, but with the justice and mercy Yahweh requires of them.

Righteousness, justice and mercy. Three Christian virtues to safeguard one's spiritual path from a direction of selfishness, unfair practices, and abuse of power. It takes time for each of the faithful, to reflect, and to see in what ways each one can practice these virtues according to each one's state of life. Advent is a special season of grace for this very purpose. It is a time for prayer and purification, in joyful expectation of One who alone can give all who believe with a quality of hope that can hurdle any present challenge. Advent is a season to patiently wait for the Promised One, as described in the reading from Zephaniah and heralded by John the Baptist. "...the Lord, is in your midst, you have no further misfortune to fear."

Memorial of Saints (December 15)

Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints

  • Stephen of Surosh, bishop
  • Nino, virgin
  • Valerian and other martyrs in Africa
  • Paul of Latros
  • Mary di Rosa, foundress
  • Frances Schervier, foundress

St. Stephen of Surosh (ca. 760 A.D.) was born in Cappadocia, Asia Minor. He was named bishop of Surosh in the Crimea and was exiled for upholding the veneration of relics during the persecution of iconoclast Emperor Leo III. Stephen returned when Constantine became Emperor in 740 A.D., and devoted himself to missionary work among the Slavs, Khazars and Varangians.

St. Mary di Rosa (1813-1855 A.D.) and Blessed Frances Schervier (1819-1876 A.D.) are both foundresses of religious congregations. Mary di Rosa is the foundress of the Handmaids of Charity while Frances Schervier is the foundress of the Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis.

The Handmaids of Charity are devoted to the care of the sick. The congregation was given papal approval in 1850 A.D. St. Mary di Rosa was canonized in 1954 A.D.

The Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis was approved by the archbishop of Cologne. It consisted of two "families", one devoted to the contemplative life and the other to the active apostolate.

December 15 Saints in the Byzantine Calendar

  • St. Eleutherius, Priest-Martyr
  • Paul of Latra

St. Paul of Latra (or Latros) is both in the Roman Calendar and the Byzantine Calendar of Saints. He was the son of an officer in the imperial army. His father died in battle and when his mother died, his brother Basil persuaded him to become a monk at Karia on Mount Olympus. When Paul's abbot died, he became a hermit on Mount Latros in Bithynia. His holiness attracted followers and so Paul organized them into a laura. After 12 years, he retired further into the mountain fastness in search of greater solitude and then into a cave on the island of Samos. He spent the rest of his life in prayer and spiritual exercises. St. Paul of Latra died in 956 A.D.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Memorial of Saints (December 14)

Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints

  • John of the Cross, priest and doctor
  • Spiridion, bishop
  • Nicasius, bishop and Companions, martyrs
  • Venantius Fortunatus, bishop
  • Dioscorus and others, martyrs

Related blog posts:

  • St. John of the Cross, Doctor of Mystical Theology, Learn more
  • Carmelite Spirituality, Learn more
  • St. Albert of Jerusalem and the First Carmelite Rule of Life, Learn more

St. John of the Cross (1542-1591 A.D.) was born near Avila, Spain. He studied at a Jesuit school and became a male nurse. In 1563 A.D. he entered the Carmelite Order. Shortly after his ordination, John met Teresa of Avila who convinced him to join her in her efforts to reform the Carmelite friars and nuns. This caused him many sufferings. His reforms were opposed by many; he was even kidnapped and imprisoned in Toledo. St. John of the Cross is known mostly for his poems and treatises about mystical theology.

December 14 Saints in the Byzantine Calendar

  • Sts. Thyrsus, Leucius, Philemon, Appollonius, Arianus, and Callinicus, Martyrs