Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints
- Charles Borromeo, bishop
- Vitalis and Agricola, martyrs
- Pierius
- John Zedazneli and Companions
- Clarus, martyr
- Joannicus
Charles Borromeo (died 3 Nov. 1584 A.D.): at age 46; cardinal and secretary of state at age 22 for his uncle, Pope Pius IV; implemented reforms of Trent in his diocese of Milan; founder of seminaries; considered a model pastor by many bishops, including Francis de Sales; held five provincial councils and 11 diocesan synods; patron of catechists and of catechumens.
Prayer to St. Charles Borromeo
Most glorious Saint Charles, outstanding model to all of faith, humility, purity, constancy in sufferings, and of every best virtue, who devoted all the highest gifts received from God to promote His glory and the salvation of souls, even to the point of becoming a victim of your own zeal, we beseech you to obtain for us to be imitators of you as you were of Christ.
Obtain for pastors of souls a heart, like yours, full of charity; for missionaries, fortitude and courage; for us your children, firmness in our resolutions, spirit of sacrifice, an untiring zeal for the welfare of the emigrants; and for all Christians, fidelity to God, love for the Church, resignation in trials, and perseverance in doing good.
O God of mercy and Father of all consolation, who see the afflictions of the Christian family, and the dangers to which souls are exposed, be moved toward us; help us, save us. Do not look upon our unworthiness, but upon the merits of your servant and our protector Saint Charles. Hear his prayers in our behalf, now that he reigns triumphant in heaven, as You once heard the prayers he addressed to You for his people here on earth. Amen.