Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints
- Frumentius, bishop;
- Otteran or Odhran, abbot
St. Frumentius (d. ca. 380 A.D.), his brother Aedesius and their teacher Meropius were able to survive being killed by natives when their ship stopped off at Ethiopia. They were taken to the King and made members of his court. Upon the death of the King, they were given back their freedom and helped the widowed Queen rule the country. They introduced Christianity and brought in traders from the West. When the King's sons came of age, Frumentius and Aedesius resigned their posts and Aedesius went back to Tyre where he was ordained. Frumentius on the other hand went to Alexandria to ask St. Athanasius to send a missionary to the country he had just left. St. Athanasius consecrated Frumentius bishop of the Ethiopians and sent him back. Back in Ethiopia, St. Frumentius made numerous converts including the two sons of the King.
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