Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints
- Chrysanthus and Daria, martyrs;
- Crispin and Crispinian, martyrs;
- Fronto and George, bishops;
- Gaudentius, bishop
St. Gaudentius (d. ca. 410 A.D.) was a native of Brescia, Italy. He studied under St. Philastrius, went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and then became a monk at Caesarea in Cappadocia. He eventually succeeded St. Philastrius as bishop of Brescia despite his own objections, and was consecrated by St. Ambrose in ca. 387 A.D. Together with two other bishops, he was sent by Pope Innocent I to defend St. John Chrysostom, but they were imprisoned. Eventually, the three bishops were given freedom with St. Gaudentius returning to Italy where he died.
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- On June 24, 404 A.D., Emperor Arcadius ordered St. John of Chrysostom into exile at Cucusus, Armenia, despite the support of the people of Constantinople, Pope Innocent I, and the whole western Church., (Learn more about St. John of Chrysostom and the historical context in which St. Gaudentius of Brescia was involved)