Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints
- Edward the Confessor;
- Faustus, Januarius, and Martial, martyrs;
- Comgan, abbot;
- Gerald of Aurillac;
- Coloman, martyr;
- Maurice of Carnoƫ, abbot
Editing and writing to integrate the Classics, 1990s theology & the present. Includes scripture reflections and hagiographical studies to encourage prayer & work for the common good. Education and additional references for these blog posts: at Librarything.com & cited websites. Posts published in 2025 integrates AI-enabled search results from Gemini, Copilot, and ChatGPT.
Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints
Who Do You Say That I Am?
Understanding the Gospel of Mark through the Confession of Peter
The Gospel of Mark
The gospel of Mark is the shortest of the four gospels with just 16 chapters. Many bible scholars describe Mark as a long passion narrative. The reason given is the presentation of Christ's ministry which flows directly towards His passion, death and resurrection.
There are many ways of understanding the gospel of Mark. One way of understanding is through a key passage - the confession of Peter at Mark 8:27-30, where Peter confessed Jesus as, "You are the Christ". If this is seen as the turning point and central axis of the gospel, then it will be easy to understand what the passages mean before this turning point, and what the passages signify after this turning point.
If the gospel of Mark is divided with the confession of Peter as the central passage between the first part before the confession, and the second part after the confession of Peter, then the main themes of the division will be:
1 From this gospel structure, one can see that before the confession of Peter, the meaning of the passages generally lead to the general thematic trend-question of who and what the identity of Christ is. In these passages before Peter's confession, Jesus was multiplying the loaves of bread and performing healing miracles. These signs impressed the people's minds and made them aware of Jesus and wonder who Jesus is.
2 And then this leads to the turning point: the confession of Peter. Peter gave the right answer under the inspiration of God's Spirit.
3 From hereon, the answer of Peter, "You are the Christ", leads to the thematic trend that being the Christ, the Messiah, means suffering and death. This answers the thematic question, "What does this imply?", and leads to three predictions of Christ's passion.
The main thematic passages of the Gospel of Mark
Below is the structure of the gospel of Mark according to the themes before the turning point and the themes after the turning point.
I. Who Am I?
II. You Are The Christ? - Mark 8:27-30
III. What Does This Imply?
The main message of the Gospel of Mark
The first part of the gospel speaks about the signs performed by Jesus during His public ministry. Many people wondered who Jesus was because of the great signs He was performing. (First multiplication of the loaves, Healing of deaf-mute, Second multiplication of loaves, Healing of blind man of Bethsaida: Mark 6-8).
After that first part, Mark leads the readers to the confession of Peter: "You Are The Christ" - Mark 8:27-30. But before this confession of Peter, Mark presents passages that builds up the readers' interest:
Note that this confession of Peter was echoed and reaffirmed by the confession of the centurion towards the end of the gospel when the centurion confessed, "Truly this man was the Son of God" (Mark 15:39).
What is Mark's reason for making the confession of Peter the turning point of the gospel? Mark wants the reader to also be aware that the Christ is not a Messiah in the manner by which the Jewish world understands what a Messiah should be. Rather, the Christ and Messiah, must suffer and die in order to save humanity from sin. This was Mark's emphasis. The Jews in biblical times were blind to this truth. They, and the apostles themselves, do not as yet see that Jesus as the Messiah is called to suffer death on the Cross. We can also point out the irony that exists in the gospel of Mark: the physically blind whom Jesus healed "saw" Jesus as the Messiah, while those who have preconceived notions of a Messiah as a glorified king or political liberator, are the ones who are blind, spiritually blind ("they have eyes and ears, but they do not see or hear" [Isaiah 6:9-10])
Mark also implies that this truth flows into the meaning of Christian discipleship. Just as Jesus served and did not seek political glory, then those who are called to follow Christ are also called to follow Him not in the road to political glory, but to serve one another in the manner that Christ did.
Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints
St. Maximilian of Lorch (d. ca. 284 A.D.) was born at Cilli, Styria, of wealthy parents. He gave his inheritance to charity, went on a pilgrimage to Rome and was sent to the missions by Pope Sixtus II. St. Maximilian became bishop of Lorch, made many converts, and was beheaded by Prefect Numerian when he refused to sacrifice to pagan gods.