Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints
- Denis
- John Leonardi
- Demetrius of Alexandria, bishop;
- Publia, widow;
- Andronicus and Athanasia;
- Savin;
- Gislenus or Ghislain, abbot;
- Gunther;
- Louis Bertrand
Learn more of the lives of Saints in October 9
Denis, or Dionysius (died 258 A.D.): first bishop of Paris; martyred with the presbyter, Eleutherius, and the deacon, Rusticus, on Montmartre (or "mount of martyrs"); patron of Paris and France.
Related blog post: St. Bernadette Soubirous and the Patron Saints of France, Learn more
John Leonardi: (died 1609 A.D.) at Lucca; founded (1574 A.D.) the Congregation of Clerics Regular of the Mother of God to further education in Christian doctrine; helped found the Propaganda Fide, the Vatican Congregation in charge of missionary activity (known as the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples).