
Saturday, September 14, 2024

Memorial of Saints (September 14)

Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints for September 14

  • Triumph of the Holy Cross (celebrated as a Feast);
  • Maternus, bishop;
  • Notburga, virgin

The Feast of the Triumph of the Cross is also known as the Exaltation of the Cross in the Eastern Church. This feast celebrates the finding of the True Cross of Christ under a Roman landfill by the emperor Constantine's mother, Helen (August 18) in ca. 320 A.D. The finding of the Cross inspired the dedication of a basilica built by Constantine. Constantine's shrine included two principal buildings: the large basilica used for the Liturgy of the Word, and a circular church used for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

St. Maternus (d. ca. 325 A.D.) was the first known bishop of Cologne, Germany. Maternus was one of the three bishops from Gaul sent by Emperor Constantine to hear the charges against Bishop Caecilian by the Donatist bishops of Africa. Maternus and his companions exonerated Caecilian. When the Donatists refused to accept the exoneration, Constantine referred the matter to the council at Arles in 314 A.D. Maternus may also have been bishop of Trier at one time and died there.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Memorial of Saints (September 13)

Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints for September 13

John Chrysostom (died 14 Sept. 407 A.D.): ascetic; became bishop of Constantinople (397 A.D.); outstanding preacher (thus surnamed "golden mouthed"); defended the poor; sought reform of the clergy; twice exiled due to royal opposition; authored ascetical, apologetic, and polemical treatises as well as letters; one of the four great doctors of the Eastern Church; patron of preachers and Istanbul (Constantinople).

More on St. John Chrysostom

Also on September 13
  • Maurilius, bishop;
  • Eulogius of Alexandria, bishop;
  • Amatus, abbot

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Eight Days of The Spiritual Exercises by Segura & Lumabao

Eight Days of The Spiritual Exercises by Florencio Segura, SJ and Randolph Lumabao, SJ

The book is a very refreshing read for those who have already experienced a directed retreat of the 30-day Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola

The original Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola was written in very terse and concise language meant mostly for Jesuit spiritual directors or for lay people who have been trained by the Jesuits to give the Spiritual Exercises. The Spiritual Exercises is originally meant for a 30-day intense period of prayer, meditation and contemplation.

Eight Days of The Spiritual Exercises

Authors Florencio Segura, SJ and Randolph Lumabao, SJ have come up with a summarized translation of the original Spiritual Exercises and wrote it in a form that can be a simple guide for those who cannot undertake an intensive 30-day retreat. The main themes and topics of the original Spiritual Exercises are divided into eight days in this book. Also within the eight days are text references to Scriptural passages that help the exercitant [the one taking The Spiritual Exercises] pray and meditate on the themes and topics of the Spiritual Exercises.

A good book to read and reread for meditation purposes.

This book is a boon for lay people who have experienced a guided 30-day retreat but are presently busy at work and family life. It can help suggest prayers and meditation content from Scriptural passages whenever there is a need for quiet time with the Lord.

Content of the book

To have an idea of what the book contains, here is a listing of the titles and topics:

  • Part I: Meditations
    • Introductory Meditation
  • First Day
    • First Principle and Foundation
    • Introduction to the Ignatian Method of the Repetitions
    • "The Truth Will Set You Free"
  • Second Day
    • The Lie: Sin and Personal Sins
    • Colloquy with the Crucified
  • Third Day
    • The Way
    • The Life: Through Christ, with Him, and in Him The Kingdom
  • Fourth Day
    • To Choose: Meditation on the Three Standards
    • The Mission of Jesus
    • The Style of Jesus
  • Fifth Day
    • Introduction to the Third Week
    • Gethsemane
    • The Tribunals
    • The Way of the Cross
  • Sixth Day
    • The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross
    • Three Attitudes of Compassion
    • Christ: The Way, The Truth, and The Life
    • The Sepulcher and the Eucharist
    • Mary in our Exercises
  • Seventh Day
    • The Resurrection: To Forge a Light
    • The Appearances
  • Eighth Day
    • The Face
    • Angels and Archangels
    • Meditation on the Bread, the Wine, and the Arms

The book provides a rekindling of one's 30-day spiritual experience that can again be integrated in one's daily work and life. It can also provide a simple guide to anyone who is interested in St. Ignatius of Loyola's Spiritual Exercises. To have more details about this book, visit