
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Feasts, Obligatory, and Optional Memorial of Saints (August 14)

Maximilian Kolbe became a Franciscan in 1907 A.D. and devoted his life to fostering devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary as a priest, a publisher and the founder of the "City of the Immaculate." Sentenced to hard manual labor at Auschwitz, he offered his life in exchange for that of an innocent man. He is remembered for his prophetic words, "Hatred is not a creative force. Only love is a creative power."

A new concept of martyrdom: Martyr of charity

The tradition of martyrdom has been clear since Jesus and the early Christian martyrs. But when we look to modern times, a new model of martyrdom bloomed and came to fruition through the example and witness of St. Maximillian Kolbe. Learn more about the story of St. Maximillian. Additional details of his story can be found towards the last part of the blog post, "Jesus, Strength of Martyrs".

also on August 14: Marcellus of Apamea, bishop and martyr; Fachanan, bishop; Athanasia, matron

Learn more.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Memorial of Saints (August 13)

Pontian (died 235 A.D.): bishop of Rome exiled to Sardinia where he was reconciled with Hippolytus; buried in the cemetery of Callixtus. (August 13)

Hippolytus (died 235/36 A.D.): authored Apostolic Tradition; Roman presbyter and stern rigorist; opposed Sabellianism and milder penitential discipline of Pope St. Callixtus (died 222 A.D.); exiled to Sardinia with Pontian; source of Eucharistic Prayer II. (August 13)

also on August 13:

  • Cassian, martyr;
  • Simplician, bishop;
  • Radegund, matron;
  • Maximus the Confessor, abbot;
  • Benildi (Peter Romançon), religious;
  • Wigbert, abbot;
  • Nerses Klaiëtsi, bishop

Cassian of Imola (date unknown) was a Christian teacher at Imola, near Ravenna, Italy. He was brought to the governor of the province during the persecution of Christians. Since he refused to sacrifice to the pagan gods, he was hacked to death by his students by order of the governor.

Although listed as a Greek Father of the Church, St. Maximus Homologetes (the Confessor) was the last common Father of both the East and the West. He lived in Rome for many years and collaborated with the popes and other Western leaders to overcome the heresy of Monothelitism (the teaching that Christ had only one will). Learn more.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Memorial of Saints (August 12)

on August 12: Euplus, martyr; Murtagh or Muredach, bishop; Porcarius and Companions, martyrs

Euplus or Euplius (d. 304 A.D.) was a deacon of Sicily. During Diocletian's persecution of the Christians, he was found guilty of possessing a copy of the gospels by the governor, Calvisian. When he refused to sacrifice to the pagan gods, he was beheaded.