
Saturday, August 03, 2024

Memorial of Saints (August 3)

on August 3:

  • The Finding of the Body of Stephen, protomartyr;
  • Waltheof or Walthen, abbot;
  • Nicodemus

When Waltheof's (d. ca. 1160 A.D.) father passed away, he went with his mother to Scotland where she married King St. David I. At his foster father's court, he came under the influence of St. Aelred. He then left to become an Augustinian canon at Nostelle Monastery in Yorkshire. Then he became abbot of Kirkham, but still was in quest of a stricter rule. So he joined the Cistercians at Wardon, Bedfordshire. Waltheof became known for his austerity, his kindness to the poor, and was credited with performing miracles. When he was to be named archbishop of St. Andrews in 1154 A.D., Waltheof refused the honor.

Friday, August 02, 2024

Memorial of Saints (August 2)

Eusebius (died 371 A.D.): considered the founder of the canons regular in the West, defender of St. Athanasius; exiled to Palestine by Constantius; with St. Hilary, an opponent of Arianism.

also on August 2:

  • Stephen I, pope and martyr;
  • Theodota, martyr;
  • Thomas of Dover

Theodota (d. ca. 304) was of noble birth and lived in Nicaea during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Diocletian. When she refused to marry the Prefect Leucatius, Leucatius denounced her and her children to Proconsul Nicetius as Christians. When Theodota and her children refused to sacrifice to pagan gods, they were all burned to death.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Memorial of Saints (August 1)

Alphonsus Liguori (died 1787 A.D.): lawyer; founded the Redemptorists; opposed Jansenism, emphasizing Christ's love "copiosa apud eum redemptio" and Mary's help; bishop of Sant'Agata del Goti; master of moral theology; patron of confessors and moral theologians; doctor of the Church.

Learn more

Born at La Mure, France, Peter Julian Eymard became a parish priest in 1834 A.D. and joined the Marists five years later. He fostered Eucharistic adoration throughout his life and founded a religious order of priests-adorers of the Holy Eucharists who came to be known as the Priests of the Blessed Sacrament.

also on August 1:

  • The Holy Machabees, martyrs;
  • Faith, Hope, Charity, and their mother, Wisdom, martyrs;
  • Aled, Almedha, or Eiluned, virgin and martyr;
  • Ethelwold, bishop

St. Ethelwold (ca. 908-984 A.D.) was ordained by St. Alphege the Bald and became a Benedictine monk in 944 A.D. In about 954 A.D., together with others, they were responsible for the restoration of monasticism in England (which were ruined by invading Danes). In 963 A.D., he was consecrated bishop of Winchester. As bishop, he restored discipline in the cathedral - expelling the canons and replacing them with monks. By the time of his death, he had reformed and rebuilt his see. He also wrote several treatises and translated the rule of St. Benedict.