on July 27: Pantaleon, martyr; The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus; Aurelius, Natalia, Felix and Companions, martyrs; Theobald of Marly, abbot
Editing and writing to integrate the Classics, 1990s theology & the present. Includes scripture reflections and hagiographical studies to encourage prayer & work for the common good. Education and additional references for these blog posts: at Librarything.com & cited websites. Posts published in 2025 integrates AI-enabled search results from Gemini, Copilot, and ChatGPT.
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Memorial of Saints (July 27)
Friday, July 26, 2024
Memorial of Saints (July 26)
Joachim and Anne: Names of the parents of Mary found in the 2nd c. A.D. Protoevangelium of James, veneration of Anne originated in 6th c. A.D. East; patroness of childless women and miners; devotion to Joachim dates from the 8th c. A.D.
also on July 26:
Bartholomea Capitanio (1807-1833 A.D.) was unable to secure her parents' permission to become a nun. She organized a sodality for the education of the young, met Catherine Gerosa, and together they founded an institute. The congregation eventually secured papal approval. Bartholomea died on July 26 at twenty-six and was canonized in 1950.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Memorial of Saints (July 25)
James, brother of John, is called "the Greater" because he followed Christ before the other apostle of the same name; first of the twelve to be martyred, being decapitated by order of Herod Agrippa I, c. 44 A.D.; venerated at Campostella, Spain; named in the Roman Canon; patron of Spain, Guatemala, and Nicaragua.
also on July 25:
Christopher (d. ca. 251 A.D.) is well known among seasoned Catholics. His image as a man carrying the child Jesus in his shoulders over a river has been part of devotional practice before Vatican II. Even when devotion to Christopher declined when the socio-historical side of the Catholic faith had been emphasized, he is still present in religious tradition. The image of Christopher carrying the child Jesus over a river, will always make the meaning of his name notable - "Christopher = Christ-bearer". He is the patron of travelers and also particularly of motorists. He will always be remembered as long as traditional devotional practices are still in place through religious art, imagery and literature. And if the need for divine protection for travel becomes necessary, devotion to Christopher may be important again.
First reading: Jeremiah 33:14-16 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 25 Second reading: 1 Thessalonians 3:12 - 4:2 Gospel reading: Luke 21:25-28...
One of the most celebrated saints in the Catholic faith is Saint Augustine of Hippo. His autobiography is entitled "The Confessions...
St. Pius X was elected to the papacy in 1903 A.D. This surprised many of the faithful because he had neither intellectual achievements nor ...
St. Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor: 540-604 A.D. Feast day, September 3 Birth, family, education, and early public office St. Gregor...
"If anyone eats this bread he shall live forever" During the Last Supper, Jesus celebrated a meal together with the apostles to in...