
Saturday, July 06, 2024

Memorial of Saints (July 6)

Maria Goretti: (died 1902 A.D.) at age 12; born near Ancona; she was stabbed to death, preferring to die than be raped alive; with her mother present, she was canonized in 1950 A.D. before the largest crowd ever assembled in Rome for a canonization; patroness of teenage girls.

also on July 6:

  • Romulus of Fiesole, bishop and martyr;
  • Dominica, virgin and martyr;
  • Sisoes;
  • Goar;
  • Sexburga, widow;
  • Modwenna, virgin;
  • Godelva, martyr

Sexburga (d. ca. 699 A.D.) is the daughter of King Anna of the East Angles and sister of Sts. Etheldreda, Ethelburga, Erconwald, and Withburga. She married King Erconbert in 640 A.D. In 664 A.D., her husband died but she finished Minster Monastery, which she had founded on Sheppey Island. She then went to Ely Abbey to succeed her sister Etheldreda as abbess there. It was here where she died.

Friday, July 05, 2024

Memorial of Saints (July 5)

Anthony Zaccaria (died 1539 A.D.): at Cremona at age 36; doctor turned priest; popular preacher who founded in Milan the Clerics Regular of St. Paul (Barnabites) for the reform of society (1530 A.D.); today they number some 400 members; sought collaboration between the clergy and the laity; promoted frequent communion.

also on July 5: Athanasius the Athonite, abbot

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Memorial of Saints (July 4)

Elizabeth of Portugal: (died 1336; named after her great-aunt, St. Elizabeth of Hungary (died 1231 A.D.); queen and mother; lover of the poor; peacemaker in the royal family; later a Franciscan tertiary; patroness of Catholic Action.

also on July 4:

  • Bertha, widow;
  • Andrew of Crete, bishop;
  • Odo of Canterbury, bishop;
  • Ulric of Augsburg, bishop