Thomas: (died 1st c. A.D.); his doubting gave way to faith when he saw the risen Lord; associated with founding the Church in south India; mentioned in the Roman Canon; patron of builders, India and Pakistan.
also on July 3:
- Leo II, pope and confessor;
- Anatolius, bishop;
- Irenaeus and Mustiola, martyrs;
- Julius and Aaron, martyrs;
- Heliodorus, bishop;
- Anatolius of Constantinople, bishop;
- Rumold or Rombaut, martyr;
- Bernardino Realino.
Leo II (d. 683 A.D.) was a eloquent preacher, was interested in music, and was known for his concern for the poor. He condemned monothelitism and censured Pope Honorius I for not formally condemning the heresy.
Anatolius (d. ca. 283 A.D.) was renowned as a philosopher, scientist, and mathematician, and was head of the Aristotelian school in Alexandria. He went to Palestine, where he was assistant to the bishop of Caesarea, and in 269 A.D. he was chosen bishop of Laodicea, Syria.
Bernardino Realino, (1530-1616 A.D.), was a lawwyer and then at 34 years old joined the Jesuits. He was engaged in pastoral work and also became a rector. His reputation for holiness increased as he grew older. His blood, which came from an unhealed wound before his death, was collected in vials and remained in a liquid state. He was canonized in 1947 A.D. by Pope Pius XII.