
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Saint Joan of Arc and the Passion of the Saints

Video CD Review

A video CD review of "Passion of the Saints", produced by Discovery Channel

"Passion of the Saints" is a beautiful portrayal of the exemplary lives lived by the Christian martyrs - holy men and women who gave their very selves as a sacrificial offering that the Catholic Church may be strengthened by their witness of the saving love of Christ Jesus. St. Joan of Arc, whose feast is celebrated every May 30, is featured in this Video CD.


It is widely known in Catholic scholarly circles that the blood of the martyrs is the seed that gives life to the universal Church and each one's personal faith and devotion. The witness of the martyrs is powerful because they followed Christ fully - in life and in the likeness of His death - a giving of one's life to encourage all the faithful in the Church and to strengthen them to continue following Christ.

The Greek word for martyrdom is martirium. In the early Christian centuries, martyrdom came to be known as the martyrdom one understand it to be: giving of one's life for Christ. It began to incorporate a second meaning only when the spirituality of religious life came into being. Martyrdom in the first sense, that of shedding one's blood for Christ, came to be known as "red" martyrdom. And martyrdom in the latter sense, that of being religious (those who lived as monks and nuns in enclosed and cloistered monasteries), is called "white" martyrdom - a fleeing from what is unredeemed and sinful in the cities of the world.

Passion of the Saints is Video CD about martyrs who shed their blood for Christ

This video CD features martyrs who are both known and popular in the Catholic faith. Featured are Saints Stephen (whose martyrdom is presented in the Acts of the Apostles), Perpetua and Felicity, Polycarp, Thomas a Beckett, Joan of Arc, Appolonia, Sebastian, and many more. The presentation of the lives and deaths of the martyrs is produced in documentary style: where the speakers are professors who teach about the phenonomenon of martyrs. They share their opinions and wisdom in their study of the martyrs presented in the Video.

A world of heroism and nobility of Christian life

The video CD is informative and highly documented. It includes scenes from various modern films made on the martyr saints. It includes scenes from a film on Saint Maximillian Kolbe and Saint Joan of Arc. It also includes scenes made from the movie on the martyrdom of Saint Thomas a Beckett. Produced by Discovery Channel, the Video introduces the viewers to enter a world of Christian heroism and nobility of life purpose. Their heroism and nobility of life purpose is strongly rooted in their conviction that Christ is their true saviour and that their life and death are meant for the greater good of the Church.

What Happened to the Apostles after Pentecost? (Part Two)

St. Andrew

Andrew is the brother of Peter, and their father John was a fisherman. After Pentecost, St. Andrew is said to have preached in Scythia and Greece, in what is now modern Turkey. One story-tradition reports him going to Byzantium, where he appointed Stachys as bishop. He was then martyred at Patras, in Greece, on an X-shaped cross. The body of St. Andrew was brought to the Church of the Apostles - built by Constantine the Great. In 1270 A.D., his relics were deposited in the Cathedral of Amalfi in Italy. St. Andrew was made the patron of Scotland and Russia. This title was based on traditions which say that his relics where brought by St. Rule to Scotland in the fourth century A.D. There is also one other story-tradition that says he preached in Russia as far as Kiev.

St. Thomas

An ancient story says that after Pentecost, St. Thomas was captured and sold as a slave to Gundafor, king of India. After learning that Thomas had a mastery of architecture, King Gundafor ordered Thomas to build a magnificent palace. In the king's absence, St. Thomas distributed to the poor all the money he had received for the palace construction project. Upon the return of Gundafor, he learned what happened, and was about to flay St. Thomas alive, when Gundafor's brother reported that he had seen in a vision the palace that St. Thomas had prepared for him in heaven. The king liberated Thomas and was baptized together with many of his people. So, St. Thomas went all over India evangelizing many people. However, he got into trouble with King Mazday for Christianizing his wife. Eventually, he was led to the top of a hill, was martyred, and then buried at Mylapore near Madras. St. Thomas was declared as the apostle of India by Pope Paul VI in 1972 A.D. St. Thomas is also the patron of builders, architects, surveyors, the blind, Pakistan, and the East Indies.

St. James the Less (or the Younger)

This James was the son of Alphaeus (Mark 3:18) and a first cousin of Jesus (Matthew 13:55). After Pentecost, St. James became the bishop of Jerusalem. James was also part of that first council of the Church where a decision was made that Gentiles who became Christians need not follow Jewish laws. He is also the author of the epistle in the New Testament that bears his name. How he was martyred is told differently by story-traditions. One tradition says that he was thrown down from the pinnacle of the Temple by the Pharisees, and then stoned to death. Another tradition says that as he was being stoned, St. James knelt down and prayed for his persecutors. One of the chief priests tried to defend St. James because of his prayer, but another one took a heavy stick or club and struck St. James on the head, killing him instantly. His death is commonly accepted to be in 62 A.D. St. James is also the patron of druggists, hatmakers, and fullers.

To be continued.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Memorial of Saints (May 29)

St. Cyril of Caesarea became a Christian as a boy. Since his father was pagan, he was disowned by his father and put out of the house. He was then brought to the governor, who offered him pardon if he would renounce his Christian faith and sacrifice to the pagan gods. Cyril naturally refused to renounce his faith and stood steadfast in his belief in Christ. St. Cyril was beheaded and died a martyr for Christ (died ca. 251 A.D.).

St. Maximinus of Trier had a good education under the administration of bishop Agritius. Upon the death of Agritius, Maximinus succeeded to the episcopate in 333 A.D. He staunchly opposed the Arian heresy - supporting St. Athanasius, the leading figure against Arianism. St. Maximinus also gave refuge to Paul of Constantinople and others who were victims of the Arians. He convened the Synod of Cologne which also opposed the Arian heresy. Both St. Jerome and St. Athanasius regarded St. Maximinus of Trier as one of the most courageous bishops of his time (died ca. 347 A.D.).

Sts. Sisinnius, Martyrius and Alexander were three brothers coming from Cappadocia, who all migrated to Milan, Italy. Sisinnius was ordained a deacon, while Martirius was conferred the lectorate, both by Bishop Vigilius. The three brothers were sent to the Tyrol as missionaries. Because of the success of the three in their work of converting the pagans, they were attacked. Sisinnius was beaten to death, Martyrius was dragged to his death, and Alexander was burned to death. All three died as martyrs for Christ within the span of just several days (died ca. 397 A.D.).

St. Theodosia of Constantinople was a nun at the monastery of St. Anastasia. She led a group of nuns in resisting a band of soldiers who were ordered to enforce the iconoclastic orders of Emperor Leo III. The soldiers came to destroy the image of Christ over the monastery's main entrance. Because of their resistance, Theodosia was imprisoned and tortured to death - together with twelve other women (died ca. 745 A.D.).

Sts. William Arnaud, Stephen of Narbonne, and Raymond were martyrs along with others. They came to be known as the Martyrs of Toulouse. These three were commissioned by the Pope to combat Albigensianism. William and his companions were given shelter for a night by Count Raymond VII of Toulouse. Some men, probably allied with the Albigensians, entered the castle and killed William, Stephen, Raymond and their companions. Miracles were reported to have happened at their graves (died ca. 1242 A.D.).

Blessed Richard Thirkeld was educated in Oxford before he entered the priesthood at a very late age. As a priest, he performed his duties around the York area in England. When the authorities learned that he was a priest and that he was seen to be visiting a prisoner at night-time, he was arrested and was condemned to die. His execution was kept private as he was greatly venerated by the people (died ca. 1583 A.D.).