
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Memorial of Saints (November 26)

St. Silvester studied law at first but then switched to theology. He was ordained, and became a canon at Osimo, northeast of Rome in central Italy. He resigned in 1227 A.D., and lived an eremitical life near Osimo and then at Grotta Fucile. When he began to have followers, he organized them into a monastery at Monte Fano, thus founding the Silvestrine Benedictines. The congregation was approved by Pope Innocent IV in 1247 A.D. and grew to eleven monasteries before Silvester's death (died ca. 1267 A.D.).

St. Peter of Alexandria was named head of the catechetical school in Alexandria because of his learning and knowledge of Scripture. In 300 A.D., he was named Patriarch of Alexandria. Peter had to contend with Bishop Meletius, who was causing a schism in Alexandria. He also had to contend with the Christian persecutions under Emperor Diocletian and then continued by Emperor Maximin. It was under Maximin that Peter was arrested and then executed (died ca. 311 A.D.).

St. Siricius was elected Pope in 384 A.D., succeeding Pope Damasus. Siricius upheld the truth on the perpetual virginity of Mary against the monk Jovinian, and insisted much on clerical celibacy. He supported St. Martin of Tours and excommunicated Felix of Trier for causing the execution of Priscillian (died ca. 399 A.D.).

St. Basolus was a soldier who left the military to become a monk at the monastery of Verzy. He then became a solitary on a hill overlooking Rheims and remained there the last forty years of his life. Also known by the name of Basle, he is reported to have performed numerous miracles (died ca. 520 A.D.).

St. Conrad of Constance was educated at the cathedral of Constance and was ordained. He was made provost of the cathedral and was elected bishop in 934 A.D. Coming from the noble Guelph family, he gave his share of inheritance to the Church and to the poor, and built many churches in the diocese of Constance. During the forty-two years that he was bishop, he avoided secular affairs to concentrate on his ecclesiastical duties and responsibilities (died ca. 975 A.D.).

St. Nikon "Metanoeite" became a monk at Khrysopetro. After 12 years, he was sent as a missionary to the island of Crete. Nikon was successful in reconverting many of the Cretans from Islam back to the Christian faith. He earned the surname "Metanoeite" because of his practice of beginning every sermon with the word "metaoneite" which means, repent. Nikon then preached to various parts of Greece and was known for his miracles (died ca. 998 A.D.).

St. John Berchmans as a youth wanted to be a priest and so became a servant in the household of John Froymont - a cathedral canon at Malines. In 1615 A.D., John entered the Jesuit college at Malines, and the following year he became a Jesuit novice. He was sent to Rome in 1618 A.D. for further studies. John was known for his diligence and piety, impressing many with his holiness and emphasis on perfection in little things. He had a short life and passed away in Rome (died ca. 1621 A.D.).

St. Leonard of Port Maurice entered the Jesuit Roman College at thirteen years of age. His uncle Augustine wanted him to become a physician. Leonard refused and instead joined the Franciscans of the Strict Observance at Pontcelli, Italy in 1697 A.D. After his ordination, he preached all over Tuscany with tremendous success. In his missions, he started to attract huge crowds. He was an ardent promoter of the Stations of the Cross, devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, the Sacred Heart, and Mary. He was sent to Corsica for a mission but was unsuccessful there. Suffering from exhaustion, he returned to Rome were he passed away (died ca. 1751 A.D.).

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Solemnity of Christ the King (A)

(Edited) Sunday reflections:  (from) years 2014 (A), 2015 (B), and 2016 (C)

November 23, 2014
Liturgical readings
Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17
Psalm 23
1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28
Matthew 25:31-46

The Lord said: "Come, you have my Father's blessing."

It is easy to make Jesus the King of one's heart when there is already a resolve to offer every prayer and work for Him. And there are some who are even fortunate to have the time to assist at daily or Sunday Mass. But whether one is involved in an apostolate at this time or not, what is important in both is the discipline to see the one thing necessary in life: to make the Lord as the King of one's heart, and to make an effort to make others see Him in their life. Not all give the Lord importance. One must be careful not to occupy himself with too much temporal concerns; otherwise, it will blur the vision of seeing God and the needs of others. Having a "contemplative view" of life can help see the hand of God as the source of all blessings.

To have a contemplative view of life, a good practice is the daily examination of conscience: to see all the blessings God has given during the day; to be sorry for the vices of thought & sins committed; and to make a resolve to do better the next day. Daily examination of conscience can help anyone see his faults better in the light of prayer. And it will help all who practice the discipline to see Christ not only in everyone, but also in one's soul. When there is a discipline to make God the center and King of all things in life and work, then one can do works of charity in all social settings: in the home, the workplace, and even in social media - which is in dire need of the spirit of the gospel. If this prayer routine becomes a good habit, then even in the hardest of times, one will not fear the Lord say to one's soul: "Out of my sight, you condemned, into that everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels!". Rather, one's soul would rejoice in the knowledge that Christ will say, "Come, you have my Father's blessing".

Scripture quote:
"The lost I will seek out, the strayed I will bring back, the injured I will bind up, the sick I will heal, shepherding them rightly, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy." (Ezekiel 34)

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Memorial of Saints (November 21)

The Presentation of Mary is a feast rooted in the Church's ancient tradition. Tradition says that Mary was brought to the Temple of Jerusalem, at the age of three, to be consecrated to the Lord. She remained in the Temple for years until the age of fifteen, when she was returned to her family with purity and wholesomeness.

St. Albert of Louvain became an archdeacon of Brabant. In 1191 A.D., he was elected bishop of Liege. There was some conflict over this episcopate with Albert's cousin. But when Albert appealed to Pope Celestine III, the pope declared Albert's election as bishop valid. Because of this and other related conflicts, St. Albert was killed while on his way to Saint-Remi abbey (died ca. 1202 A.D.).

St. Amalberga married and had three children. When her spouse decided to become a Benedictine monk, Amalberga also entered the Benedictines as a nun in Flanders. It was in this abbey in Mauberg, Flanders, where St. Amalberga lived in holiness and spent the rest of her life devoted to prayer and the Benedictine way of life (died ca. 690 A.D.).

St. Gelasius I was elected pope on March 1, 492 A.D., succeeding Pope Felix. Gelasius was very much involved in defending the rights of the patriarchates of Alexandria and Antioch, because these patriarchates were being encroached upon by the patriarchate of Constantinople. Aside from this involvement, St. Gelasius also ordered the reception of the Eucharistic species in both forms (bread and wine) - something that is being done in post-Vatican II Eucharistic worship and liturgy (died ca. 496 A.D.).