Justin, martyr (June 1)
also on June 1: Pamphilus and Companions, martyrs; Proculus, "the soldier," and Proculus of Bologna, bishop; Caprasius or Caprais; Wistan; Simeon of Syracuse; Eneco or Iñigo, abbot; Theobald of Alba
Marcellinus and Peter: (died c. 303): Marcellinus was a priest and Peter, an exorcist; beheaded under Diocletian; both mentioned in the Roman Canon. (June 2)
also on June 2: Erasmus, bishop and martyr; Pothinus and Companions, martyrs; Eugenius I, pope; Stephen of Sweden, bishop and martyr; Nicholas the Pilgrim; Blandina, martyr
Charles Lwanga: and 21 Ugandan companions, (died 15 November 1885 - 27 Jan. 1887); protomartyrs of Black Africa; over 100 killed in this period, including Anglicans; Charles is the patron saint of African Catholic Youth Action. (June 3)
also on June 3: Cecilius; Pergentinus and Laurentinus, martyrs; Lucillian and Companions, martyrs; Clotilda, widow; Liphardus and Urbicius, abbots; Kevin or Coegmen, abbot; Genesius of Clermont, bishop; Isaac of Cordova, martyr; Morand
on June 4: Francis Caracciolo, confessor; Quirinus, bishop and martyr; Metrophanes, bishop; Optatus of Milevis, bishop; Petroc, abbot; Vincentia Gerosa, virgin
Boniface (died 754): Anglo-Saxon O.S.B.; founded abbey of Fulda; bishop of Mainz; martyred along with 30 companions at Dokkum in Frisia; known as "the Apostle of Germany." (June 5)
also on June 5: Dorotheus of Tyre, martyr; Sanctius or Sancho, martyr
Norbert: (died 1134); founded the Premonstratensians; archbishop of Magdeburg; strong supporter of the Church reform and evangelization; devoted to the Holy Eucharist. (June 6)
also on June 6: Philip the Deacon; Ceratius or Ceras, bishop; Eustorgius of Milan, bishop; Jarlath, bishop; Gudwal or Gurval; Claud, bishop
on June 7: Paul of Constantinople, bishop; Meriadoc, bishop; Colman of Dromore, bishop; Vulflagius or Wulphy; Willibald, bishop; Gottschalk, martyr; Robert of Newminster, abbot; Antony Gianelli, bishop; Agostino Roscelli
also on June 8: Maximinus of Aix; Medard, bishop; Clodulf or Cloud, bishop; William of York, bishop
Ephrem: (died 373); Syrian theologian and poet who authored biblical commentaries, homilies, and composed hymns; founded a school at Nisbis; lived in Edessa (in Mesopotamia). (June 9)
also on June 9: Primus and Felician, martyrs; Columba or Columcille, abbot; Vincent of Agen, martyr; Pelagia of Antioch, virgin and martyr; Richard of Andria, bishop
on June 10: Gerulius and Companions, martyrs; Ithamar, bishop; Landericus or Landry, bishop; Bogumilus, bishop
Barnabas: (died 1st c.); preached the gospel in Antioch; companion of Paul; attended the Council of Jerusalem; martyred; patron saint of the island of his birth, Cyprus; name mentioned in the Roman Canon. (June 11)
on June 12: John of Sahagun, confessor; Antonina, martyr; Onuphrius; Ternan, bishop; Peter of Mount Athos; Leo III, pope; Odulf; Eskil, bishop and martyr
Anthony of Padua (died 1231 at the age of 36); from Lisbon; O.F.M.; devoted student of scriptures; first to teach theology to his fellow friars; gifted orator and preacher; known as the "Evangelical Doctor"; patron saint of lost articles, harvest, the poor and of Portugal. (June 13)
also on June 13: Felicula, martyr; Aquilina, martyr; Triphyllius, bishop
on June 14: Valerius and Rufinus, martyrs; Dogmael; Methodius I of Constantinople, bishop
on June 15: Vitus, martyr; Hesychius, martyr; Tatian Dulas, martyr; Orsieslus, abbot; Landelinus, abbot; Edburga of Winchester, virgin; Bardo, bishop; Aleydis or Alice, virgin; Germaine of Pibrac, virgin
on June 16: Ferreolus and Ferrutio, martyrs; Cyricus and Julitta, martyrs; Tychon, bishop; Aurelian, bishop; Benno, bishop; Lutgardis, virgin; John Francis Regis
on June 17: Nicander and Marcian, martyrs; Bessarion; Hypatius, abbot; Avitus, abbot; Nectan; Herve or Harvey, abbot; Botulf or Botolph, abbot; Adulf, bishop; Moling, bishop; Rainerius of Pisa; Teresa and Sanchia of Portugal; Emily de Vialar, virgin; Albert
on June 18: Mark and Marcellian, martyrs; Gregory Barbarigo, bishop; Amandus, bishop; Elizabeth of Schonau, virgin
Romuald (died 1027): O.S.B. from Ravenna; founded
(980) the Camaldolese hermits, today numbering about 200 members; urged contemplative prayer through solitude, silence and fasting. (June 19)
also on June 19: Juliana of Falconieri, virgin; Gervase and Protase, martyrs; Deodatus or Die, bishop; Bruno or Boniface of Querfurt, bishop and martyr
on June 20: Silverius, priest; Goban or Gobain, martyr; Bagnus or Bain, bishop; Adalbert of Magdeburg, bishop; John of Maters, abbot
Aloysius Gonzaga: (died 1591); Jesuit scholastic, died at age 23 caring for the sick; from the princely family of Castiglione; a page at the court of Medicis and of Philip II of Spain; renounced inheritance to enter Jesuits; Robert Bellarmine was his spiritual director; strongly devoted to the Eucharist, interior prayer, and charitable service; patron of youth and of students in Jesuit colleges and universities. (June 21)
also on June 21: Eusebius of Samosata, bishop; Alban or Albinus of Mainz, martyr; Meen or Mewan, abbot; Engelmund; Leutfridus or Leufroy, abbot; Ralph or Raoul, bishop; John Rigby, martyr
Paulinus of Nola: (died 431); husband and father who gave his possessions to the poor; dedicated bishop, especially during the Visigoth invations. (June 22)
John Fisher: (beheaded 22 June 1535); chancellor of Cambridge University; bishop of Rochester; dedicated pastor of souls; renowned for his preaching and educational reforms; defender of Church tradition against Luther, and of the Roman primacy against Henry VIII. (June 22)
Thomas More: (beheaded 6 July 1535); humanist and chancellor of England; close friend of Erasmus; wrote “Utopia”; refused to support Henry VIII’s divorce of Queen Catherine and his Act of Supremacy; patron of lawyers, statesmen and politicians. (June 22)
also on June 22: Alban, martyr; Nicetas of Remesiana, bishop; Eberhard, bishop
on June 23: Agrippina, virgin and martyr; Etheldreda or Audrey, widow; Lietbertus or Libert, bishop; Joseph Cafasso; Thomas Garnet, priest and martyr
The Birth of John the Baptist: This feast, dating from the 4th c. in both East and West, came to be celebrated, in accord with Lk 1:36, six months before the Lord’s birth; quoting Jn 3:30, Augustine found this date (near summer solstice) appropriate for, after the birth of John, the daylight begins to grow shorter, whereas after Jesus’ birth, it begins to increase. (June 24)
also on June 24: The martyrs under Nero; Simplicius, bishop; Bartholomew of Farne
on June 25: William of Vercelli, abbot; Febronia, virgin and martyr; Gallicanus; Prosper of Aquitaine; Prosper of Reggio, bishop; Maximus of Turin, bishop; Moloc or Luan, bishop; Adalbert of Egmond; Eurosia, virgin and martyr; Gohard, bishop, and Companions, martyrs
on June 26: John and Paul; Vigilus, bishop and martyr; Maxentius, abbot; Salvius or Sauve and Superius; John of the Goths; Pelagius or Pelayo, martyr; Anthelm, bishop; Josemaria Escriva
Cyril of Alexandria: bishop and doctor; Zoilus and Companions, martyrs; Samson of Constantinople; John of Chinon; George Mtasmindeli of the Black Mountains, abbot; Ladislaus of Hungary; Benvenuto of Gubbio (June 27)
Irenaeus: (died 202); from Smyrna; disciple of Polycarp; for 25 years the bishop of Lyons; wrote against the Gnostics, esp Adversus haereses; first to provide a coherent rationale for a Christian Bible including both Testaments, and the first to offer a comprehensive account of belief in God’s universal providential and redemptive economy. (June 28)
also on June 28: Plutarch, Potamiaena and Companions, martyrs; Paul I, pope; Heimrad; Sergius and Germanus of Valaam, abbots; John Southworth, priest and martyr
Peter (died c. 64 in Rome under Nero); Galilean fisherman; spokesman for the Twelve who became "Prince of the Apostles"; two epistles are ascribed to him; patron of those in fishing industry. (June 29)
Paul: according to tradition, was martyred in Rome c. 67; Pharisee who became the "Apostle of the Gentiles"; his letters may be dated from c. 50-65; patron of the lay apostolate, of Malta and Greece. (June 29)
also on June 29: Cassius, bishop; Salome and Judith; Emma, widow
The First Martyrs of the Church of Rome: Those many Christians who were tortured, crucified and burned alive in 64 BC in Nero’s Garden on the Vatican Hill are honored today. (June 30)
also on June 30: Martial, bishop; Bertrand of Le Mans, bishop; Erentrude, virgin; Theobald or Thibaud of Provins