
Sunday, April 29, 2012

"There shall be one flock then, one shepherd."

John 10:11-18

"There shall be one flock then, one shepherd."

Chapter 10 of John's gospel, is Jesus' "good Shepherd" discourse. The chapter tells us what a Good Shepherd is through Jesus good example. Jesus uses shepherd imagery that is familiar to His audience as a platform for good leadership. And for Jesus', good leadership, like the Good Shepherd does not leave His flock at the "sight of the wolf". He does not abandon the sheep and leave them to be scattered. Only a hired hand does that. But as the good Shepherd, Jesus gathers His sheep into one fold, and readies Himself to lay down His very life for them. We are the Lord's sheep, and He is always ready to be at our side whenever danger arises.

Probably the best example for our generation of one who imitated the Lord well is Bl. John Paul II. During his long papal vocation, Bl. John Paul II was able to gather into one flock the world's religious leaders of various faith denominations and lead them to pray for peace in Assisi, Italy. He was able to shepherd into one flock those who believe in the universal values of prayer and peace. Bl. John Paul II exemplified well Christ's role as the Good Shepherd, by completing his papal term until the end, despite the difficulties he experienced in his health.

"There shall be one flock then, one shepherd." 

This prophecy in the gospel began to be realized by the many missionary journeys Bl. John Paul did to promote the gospel of peace. He not only called the Church to be one, holy, Catholic and apostolic, but also called others who do not belong to the Catholic flock. The Catholic Church has always been working for Christian unity and interreligious dialogue since the Second Vatican Council. The example of Bl. John Paul and the Lord's prayer for unity (also found in the gospel of John) is an example and a prayer each of us, in his own way, can include in his way of life and work. Not only big things, but even small things count. If each person were to work for unity in their respective states of life and in the secular settings of family and work, then each one can contribute very well to the fruition of our Lord's prayer for "one flock" that prays and works for the cause of peace in the world.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

"Recall those words I spoke to you when I was still with you."

Luke 24:35-48

"Recall those words I spoke to you when I was still with you."

This gospel passage from Luke presents a second appearance of Jesus to His followers. In this second appearance, the  two disciples on the way to Emmaus were also present with the others. The two "Emmaus" disciples were sharing their experience to the bigger community, when Jesus appeared again to all of them. All of them were frightened because they thought Jesus was a ghost. But when Jesus showed them His wounds and asked for food, this reassured them and dispelled all their fear. The Lord Jesus then said: "Recall those words I spoke to you. He continued to explain the prophecies concerning His passion, death and resurrection, and opened their minds to the understanding of the Scriptures."

Bible scholar Jerome Neyrey, author of "The Resurrection Stories", says that gospel-writer Luke likes to structure sections of his gospel in "two's": 

there are two annunciation stories (to Zechariah and to Mary),
two birth narratives (John the Baptist and Jesus), 
two trials of Jesus (before the Sanhedrin and before Pilate), 
and also two stories on Jesus' appearances to His followers (to the Emmaus disciples and to the apostles). 

As regards the two risen appearances of Jesus, Neyrey says there is an added difference to the 2nd resurrection story: Jesus formally commissions His followers to preach the words He spoke to them. They are to preach the word for the remission of sins beginning in Jerusalem and then to all nations. ("Recall those words I spoke to you when I was still with you.")

The Risen Lord's commission to preach the gospel was given not only to the apostles and His disciples but to all in the Church. Since the majority of Catholics are lay people and do not preach in the manner of the clergy, it is by virtue of one's baptismal consecration that all can contribute to the mission of bringing the gospel everywhere. The clergy cannot do this, especially in the secular settings were the lay people work: small business, in the retail industry, banks, telecom and tech corporations, and in logistical operations. But the spirit of the gospel can be brought to these very settings by the laity. When lay people commit themselves to following Christ, they can show generosity, kindness and mercy. Forgiving each others' offenses is probably the most "gospel" of all the actions we can do to one another.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

At the sight of Jesus, the disciples rejoiced with faith

John 20:19-31

"At the sight of the Lord the disciples rejoiced."

The faith experience of the disciples and Thomas is something all of us can relate with. Human like us, both had to rely on their physical senses. Thomas doubted at first, because his knowledge of Jesus, was the Jesus he knew that died on the Cross. Although Jesus had raised many people back to life, they still did not know in reality that Jesus Himself can really rise again in the power of the Holy Spirit. But Jesus did, and He made many appearances to His followers.

When Jesus appeared to His disciples, they rejoiced and believed. Thomas had not been with them in the Lord's first appearance. And so, he doubted. But when the Lord appeared again, and this time with Thomas present among his brethren, Thomas believed and exclaimed with reverent faith in Jesus as his Lord and God.

Upon reflection, we can see that there are two kinds of faith: one based on community experience, and one based on a personal experience. St. Thomas was being called to a more personal faith in Christ. When his doubts were removed by the Lord's appearance, St. Thomas responded with greater piety - not unlike our own faith response when we recognize God in the consecration during the Eucharist.

Examining our own faith responses, instead of pitting one's faith over another and contesting which faith is more real or genuine, we are called to integrate both. To accept the creative tension that exists between a communitarian faith experience and a personal faith experience. One cannot live without the other. Both are experienced in the social milieu. 

Faith is one of the theological virtues. It is rifely shown in many miracles of healings in the gospels. Here is a list of some of them: 

the Syrophoenician woman (Mk 7:24-30, Mt 15:21-28); 
the centurion's slave (Lk 7:1-10, Mt 8:5-13); 
the woman with a hemorrhage (Mt 9:20-22, Mk 5:25-34, Lk 8:43-48), 

All these make us see the personal expression of faith within the context of a believing community. 

Today, we live in very uncertain times. But we are called to live in these uncertain times with faith in Jesus. And to do so one day at a time. Faith in Jesus will dispel that which we are ignorant about. Faith in Jesus will heal all our doubts, and lead us to certainty of God's love for us.  So we are called to pray for this gift of faith everyday - in the very routines of life and work. And like Thomas, let us be humble so that Jesus may make Himself known to us - in His Word and Sacrament, and in the very communities we celebrate and remember the Lord. We should know in truth that God will do everything for us so that we may believe in Him, and follow His commandments, counsels and inspirations.