
Showing posts with label st paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label st paul. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul

Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, Apostle

First reading: Acts 22:3-16
Responsorial Psalm: Ps:117
Second reading: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Gospel reading: Mark 16:15-18

"Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel..."

For the Feast of St. Paul's conversion this Sunday, we are given
a passage from the last chapter of the gospel of Mark (chapter
16). The context for this passage is the Resurrection
appearances of Jesus: to Mary Magdalene, to two of His followers,
and finally to the Eleven apostles. As Jesus revealed His Risen
presence to the Eleven, He told them this: "Go into the whole
world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature." These apostles
are then to drive out demons, speak new languages, pick up
serpents with their hands (miraculously not being harmed), and
lay their hands on the sick so they can recover.

Although St. Paul was not originally part of the inner circle of
Jesus' apostles, Jesus also revealed Himself to St. Paul. This
revelation of Jesus to St. Paul caused Paul's conversion from
destroying Christianity to one that builds the Church. As Paul
was zealous before in taking captive the Christians and
imprisoning them, he now was converted to preach the Gospel of
Jesus and make Christians and Christian communities of the

The example of St. Paul's missionary zeal is a good example for
us to follow. Just as Paul's Resurrected Master was zealous
for bringing back to the sheepfold, the lost sheep of Israel
(during His earthly ministry), Paul also brought many Gentiles
to the fold of the Church, with the same apostolic commitment
as Jesus.

For many of us lay faithful, we may not have the opportunity
like St. Paul to travel to distant lands and faraway places
to preach the Good News of Jesus. However, in the very
situation of life and work that we are immersed in, we can
live and work for the Gospel in the same missionary ardor and
spirit as that of Jesus and St. Paul. With the Holy Spirit
leading us, and with prayer being very much at the heart of
what we are doing, we can witness to Christ and His Gospel
through words and actions that reveal His healing, teaching,
and shepherding Presence to others.