
Showing posts with label job. Show all posts
Showing posts with label job. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

5th Sunday of the Year, Year B

5th Sunday of the Year, Year B

First reading: Job 7:1-4, 6-7
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 147
Second reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23
Gospel reading: Mark 1:29-39

"That is what I have come to do."

This 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we continue learning about
Jesus and His ministry. The passage of the Gospel clearly speaks
of Him as a Healer: first, healing Simon's (Peter) mother-in-law
from fever; and then as evening drew on, He continued to heal the
ill and those possessed by demons. Rising the next morning, He
went off to the desert to pray. Simon sought Him, and when he
did, he reported that many people were intently looking for Him.
But Jesus replied by saying that they were to move to the
neighboring villages, to proclaim the Gospel there also. He said,
"that is what I have come to do."

The Lord reveals Himself to us as a Healer and Proclaimer of the
Good News. If we read the gospel again, we can learn a part of
what His Christian ministry is all about: healing, proclaiming
the Good News, and praying. Although Jesus was an active
missionary and an itinerant preacher, He never forgets to go off
to a lonely place in the desert to pray and relate with the
Father - from whom He gets His mission to heal and proclaim the
Good News and the coming of the Kingdom.

If this is what the Lord did in His life and ministry, then as
His followers and disciples, we are called to do the same: to
impart healing words and actions; to proclaim the Good News by
our good example in the family and our work environment; and
most important of all, never to forget to set some time for
solitude, silence, prayer, meditation, contemplation and
spiritual reading. It is in our life of prayer (in the manner
of Christ), that we can receive the Lord's Spirit as we follow
what He was called to do in our respective states of life,
professions, and parish communities. Let us not forget where
to receive fully Christ's Spirit for the mission: the
sacraments of the Church, especially Eucharist and the
sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation.