
Showing posts with label holy family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holy family. Show all posts

Monday, December 21, 2009

Feast of the Holy Family (C)

First reading: 1 Samuel 1:20-22, 24-28
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 84
Second reading: 1 John 3:2, 21-24
Gospel reading: Luke 4:41-52

"Did you know I had to be in My Father's house?"

The gospel for the Feast of the Holy Family (C) is also used as
a source of meditation for the 5th joyful mystery of the rosary:
the Finding at the Temple. This gospel story we already know by
heart since our childhood. The story reminds us of how Joseph
and Mary went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover, and did
not know that the child Jesus remained behind. So when Joseph
and Mary noticed that He was not in their company, they went back
to Jerusalem to search for Him. On the third day they found Him
in the temple with the teachers. Mary asked Jesus why He had done
this. And Jesus replied: "did you not know I had to be in My
Father's house?"

The Son of God was incarnated into a human family. Joseph is the
example par excellence of what a Christian father is called to be,
and Mary is the best model of what a Christian mother is called
to be. The gospel also states that Jesus, after His visit to the
Temple, returned with His parents to Nazareth and was obedient
to them. Catholic tradition tells us that Jesus lived a hidden
life with Joseph and Mary at Nazareth (progressing steadily in
wisdom and age and grace before God and men) from the age of 12
until 30. At 30, Jesus started His public ministry - a mission
that was to establish a greater family under God through the

It is at Christmas time that we are given the opportunity to
reunite again with family and relatives. Our Catholic faith was
cradled in the family. As we grow, mature and take on the
responsibility of adults, those who decide to start a family pass
on the same faith to their children. Maybe this is the time we
can reflect what values we pass on to our children? Are the
values I pass on Christian values or values more related to our
secular lifestyle? What Christian value or virtue do I see in
the Holy Family at Nazareth that inspires me to live out, and
also teach my children? Do I thank the Lord for the gift of
family life and love?