
Showing posts with label healing ministry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing ministry. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

6th Sunday Year B

6th Sunday of the Year, Year B
First reading: Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46Responsorial Psalm: Ps 32Second reading: 1 Corinthians 10:31 - 11,1Gospel reading: Mark 1:40-45

"I do will it. Be cured."

The gospel this Sunday presents to us another healing miracle ofJesus. Last Sunday, we learned about how Jesus healed Simon'smother-in-law from a fever, and also how he healed many who wereafflicted and possessed by evil spirits.  This time, it is a leperwho approaches Jesus.  The gospel describes the leper kneelingdown before Jesus and requesting him: "If You will to do so, Youcan cure me."  Moved with pity, Jesus stretched out his hand,touched the leper and cured him from his leprosy.  Then Jesuswarned the cured leper not to make his healing story public, butonly to present to the priest what is prescribed by their Jewishreligious law.  Probably because the cured leper was so overjoyedby his experience of health being restored to him, he proclaimedhis healing story public.  As a result of this, people keptcoming to Jesus from all sides of the country.

According to Fr. Herman Hendrickx, in his book, "The MiracleStories", in the combined gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke,there are all in all about 76 passages which deal with Jesus'miracles.  Though the Old Testament prophets also performedmiracles, it is only Jesus whom the Bible ascribes with so manymiracles performed by a single person.  This researched detailemphasizes to us that these miracles of Jesus are signs of theKingdom He was proclaiming, and that the powers of God's loveand salvific power are at work.

In our present time, those who incur a serious sickness, wouldhave the natural decision to consult a doctor.  The doctor wouldprescribe the treatment according to what has been establishedby the medical sciences.  For some ailments and sickness, thereseems no cure, only maintenance medicines to prevent furtherdeterioration of health or to stabilize the vital signs of theperson's health (like pills to stabilize blood sugar for diabetes, medications to lessen cholesterol, pills for heart patients,medicines to lower high blood pressure, chemotherapy for cancerpatients, medications for those who suffer from arthritis, and so on).  Some however, believe that through those who have beengiven by the Holy Spirit the power to heal, they can be cured.In the Catholic Church, there are some who are officiallycommissioned for a healing ministry.  And some of these ministers(priests, nuns or lay persons), have worldwide missions where they are able to cure people through the power of Christ'shealing graces.  The healing ministry of Jesus still continuesto function through the healing mission of these ministers in the Church. Foremost among these ministers are those who give thesacraments of healing (penance and reconciliation and thesacrament for the sick), and then also through the healing ministries of charismatic religous leaders who perform miracles of healing.
Miracles are true.  They do happen.  It is our faith in Christ and His power to heal that we are saved from our ailments (both in the sickness of our soul, and in the ailments of our physical being).

If we, or a member of our family, has a serious ailment, letus continue to place our hope in Jesus. Let us take the humbleapproach of the leper, and kneel before Christ in prayer, andentreat Him for a cure to our ailment or the ailment of a lovedone. And as the gospel teaches us, in our humble approach, andwith prayer and faith in Jesus, Jesus will be moved with pity.He will cure us in time through the ministers of healing in theChurch.  Christ has healed so many in the past during His earthlyministry.  And He continues to heal in the present through themany ministers of healing following in His steps (includingsome doctors whom the Lord uses for His healing purposes).Through all these ministers, we will eventually discover thehealing presence of Christ in our midst, and be led to a processof wholeness and well-being.