
Showing posts with label first sunday of advent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label first sunday of advent. Show all posts

Sunday, November 22, 2009

First Sunday of Advent (C)

First reading: Jeremiah 33:14-16
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 25
Second reading: 1 Thessalonians 3:12 - 4:2
Gospel reading: Luke 21:25-28, 34-36

"Be on on the watch...pray constantly."

The gospel for the 1st Sunday of Advent (C) is from the gospel of
Luke. In the passage, we find Jesus saying to His disciples to
anticipate what is coming upon the earth before the Son of Man
comes with great power and glory. Jesus speaks in apocalyptic
language (imagery referring to the End Time): "nations will be
in anguish", "the sea and the waves will roar", "the power in the
heavens will be shaken". Then He cautions His disciples to "be
on the watch and pray constantly" so that the Day of the Lord
will not suddenly close in on them like a trap. If they do so,
they will have "the strength to escape whatever is in prospect,
and to stand secure before the Son of Man".

The season of Advent is a short but important liturgical season
in the Church. It is a time for preparation, purification, and
waiting in joyful anticipation. Advent reminds us of both the
First Coming of Jesus (Christmas) and the Second Coming (the Day
of the Lord). It is an opportunity to prepare ourselves
spiritually. In the Church, the faithful are encouraged to go
to Confession, to practice simple acts of mortification, and to
devote more time for prayer, reflection, and meditation. If we
take time to read and meditate on the liturgical readings for
the season of Advent, we can integrate the meaning of the season
well into our daily lives.

In anticipation of the Christmas season, our attention is often
focused on external preparations: putting up the Christmas tree
and lights, placing Christmas decor around the home, and planning
our schedules to meet social obligations with family, friends and
the office parties. We can do all this with no detriment to our
spiritual preparation. We can take time to reflect the meaning of
the season in our Christian lives. Advent signifies the arrival
of something important. Do I give importance to the liturgical
season of Advent? What can I do, so that this season of Advent
can help me grow in my commitment to Christ and better my service
to family, work and parish?