
Showing posts with label devotion to mary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label devotion to mary. Show all posts

Monday, January 11, 2010

2nd Sunday of the Year (C)

First reading: Isaiah 62:1-5
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 96
Second reading: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
Gospel reading: John 2:1-11

"Do whatever He tells you."

The gospel for the Sunday Eucharist on January 17 is also the
second luminous mystery in the rosary: the miracle of the water
turned to wine at the wedding at Cana. The setting for Jesus'
first "sign" is a wedding. His mother Mary was there. He was also
present together with His disciples. At a certain point during
the wedding, Mary perceived through her sensitivity that the wine
ran out. She went to her Son with the problem. Jesus replied:
"Woman, how does this concern of yours involve me? My hour has
not yet come." And then Mary instructed those waiting on table
and said, "Do whatever He tells you." Then Jesus ordered the six
stone water jars to be filled with water to the brim. When they
drew some out of the jars and took it to the waiter in charge,
it miraculously turned out to be a choice wine - the finest of
the wedding ceremony.

St. Louis-Marie de Montfort in his treatise on the True Devotion
to Mary said that "at the wedding of Cana, Jesus changed water
into wine at Mary's humble prayer". Though it is not stated in
the gospel account of the wedding at Cana, because of what we
know of Mary from other events in the gospels as a woman who has
great faith and confidence in God, this miracle and sign at Cana
would also involve her as a woman who takes care of others as if
they were God's and her own children also. And by her humility,
she knew where the power of God truly comes from - from her Son
Jesus. Montfort also continues to state in his book that as
"Jesus began His miracles through Mary, He will continue them
through her until the end of time" (True Devotion #19).

Not all Christians have a devotion to Mary as many Catholics do.
They may not be aware that devotion to Mary is also rooted in
the gospels. And this gospel account of the wedding at Cana is
one among many that presents clearly the important role Mary
plays in the redeeming work of her Son Jesus. Perhaps we can
take this opportunity to reflect and meditate more how this
Christian mystery can help us grow in faith. How strong is my
conviction that devotion to Mary can lead me well to Christ?
Which area of my spiritual life should I give more attention to,
so that I may learn to honor the Mother of God as one of the
anchors of Christian spirituality - one that will help me and
members of my family during times of serious problems, crises,
and instability.