
Showing posts with label christ the king. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christ the king. Show all posts

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Solemnity of Christ the King (B)

First reading: Daniel 7:13-14
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 93
Second reading: Revelation 1:5-8
Gospel reading: John 18:33-37

"My kingdom does not belong to this world."

The Solemnity of Christ the King is also the 34th or Last Sunday
of the Year (B). The gospel is taken from John. It is the story
of Pilate interrogating Christ Jesus - asking if He were the king
of the Jews. Jesus responded with a question, asking Pilate if he
was asking this on his own, or because of what others are telling
Pilate about Him. The verbal exchanges soon led to Jesus telling
Pilate that His kingdom does not belong to this world, and that
the reason why He came into the world is to testify to the truth.

According to George MacRae in his book "Invitation to John", when
Jesus was handed over to Pilate as described in John 18:30, this
created the discussion and verbal exchanges between them. Pilate
represents "the world" and tries to avoid getting involved with
Jesus. This becomes stronger in the following verses after this
gospel passage. Jesus on His part, reveals the truth about
Himself and the kingdom. He ends the first part of His discussion
with Pilate by saying, "Anyone committed to the truth hears My

If we imagine placing ourselves in this gospel scene, let us try
to capture what thoughts or feelings we might have as an onlooker
to the verbal exchanges between Pilate and Jesus. Where would I
lean towards: on the side of Jesus and His kingdom, or on the
side of Pilate and "the world"? How well do I know Jesus and His
kingdom? Would His being handed over to Pilate bring me closer
to faith in Him and the truth about His kingdom? Do I believe He
is King even if He was "handed over"?