
Showing posts with label 2nd sunday of advent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2nd sunday of advent. Show all posts

Sunday, November 29, 2009

2nd Sunday of Advent (C)

First reading: Baruch 5:1-9
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 126
Second reading: Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11
Gospel reading: Luke 3:1-6

"Make ready the way of the Lord."

For the Sunday Mass on December 6, the gospel passage is taken
from Luke. The passage introduces the person of St. John the
Baptist - the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth. John's mission is
to proclaim a baptism of repentance so that the people will
receive forgiveness from their sins. His preaching and ministry
as the herald of Christ Jesus, fulfills what is written in the
book of the prophet Isaiah: "A herald's voice in the desert,
crying, 'Make ready the way of the Lord'".

Robert J. Karris, in his book "Invitation to Luke", analyzes this
gospel passage from the wider context which includes the arrest
and imprisonment of John by Herod the tetrarch. Karris states in
his book that John gives knowledge to the people that the
salvation of Jesus is meant for all (Luke 3:6), and not only for
the Jews (Luke 3:8). John's mission was to prepare a way for the
Lord's proclamation of the Kingdom of God. John points to Jesus
as the Truth, the Way and the Life. His fidelity to this mission
eventually led him to a martyr's death.

There are many people in our life who prepared us to follow Jesus
and the gospel: our parents, teachers, friends, family, priests,
confessors, and many who have had authority over us. They point
to us a way that would lead us to a more faithful following of
Jesus. As we have listened and saw what applies to our life, we
grew and continue to grow with a wisdom that helps us to serve
God, Church, society and family with generosity. We continually
receive this guidance as we are strengthened through the devotion
we give to the celebration of Word and Sacrament. Because of all
these blessings, graces and gifts, we are entrusted to do the
same for others. Like John, we too have the responsibility to
prepare a way for the Lord, so that others may be shepherded to
Christ. So as we enter more into the Christian mysteries in this
season of Advent, let us take the opportunity to reflect where
we need to prepare more for the Lord's coming: in my own personal
life; in the lives of others in my immediate circle of family,
friends, and co-workers; or in both?