
Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Memorial of Saints (January 29)

Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints

  • Sabinian, martyr
  • Gildas the Wise, abbot
  • Sulpicius "Severus", bishop

St. Gildas the Wise (ca. 500-570 A.D.) was born in Scotland. He probably was married and got widowed before he became an ascetic at Wales with St. Finnian as a disciple. He became a monastic leader who influenced the development of monasticism in Ireland. He is known for his written work, De excidio Britanniae ("On the Ruin of Britain"). This work, which was also cited by Venerable Bede, describes the decadence of contemporary British secular rulers and clerics. St. Gildas also founded a monastery on an island in Brittany's Morbihan Bay. This island is known as the "island of monks."

Learn more on Saints in the Roman Calendar [January 29]

Saints in the Byzantine Calendar [January 29]

  • Translation of the Relics of St. Ignatius, the "Theoforos," Priest-Martyr, Bishop of Antioch
  • Sts. Roman, James, Philotheus, and St. Aphraates, Martyrs

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