
Friday, November 22, 2024

Memorial of Saints (November 22)

Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints

  • Cecilia
  • Philemon and Apphia

St. Cecilia (ca. date unknown) is a very popular Roman saint. She converted her husband Valerian and his brother Tiburtius to the Christian faith. During the persecution of Christians she was tortured but remained steadfast in her faith until death. Her remains was found in the catacomb of St. Callistus in Rome. Pope Paschal I constructed in 824 A.D. a basilica at the house of Cecilia's family in Trastevere, Rome and her relics were transferred there. She is the patroness of sacred music and musicians, since supposedly at her wedding she did not hear the music and sounds of merriment at that marital event but sat apart singing to God in her heart.

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