
Friday, November 01, 2024

A Series on the Saints, Their Writings & Their Spirituality

"The Saints' Guide Series" is a selection of five books published by Servant Publications, Ann Arbor, Michigan

These books are filled with excellent excerpts on the wisdom and writings of the Saints in the Catholic Church. The selected Saints provide a spirituality that continue to provide a strong and lasting impact on the lives of the faithful in the Church throughout the centuries of Christendom.

Five selected books in the Saints' Guide Series

  • "Help When Life Hurts", by Cynthia Cavnar
  • "Joy That Never Fades", by Ann Ball
  • "Knowing the Real Jesus", by David Mills
  • "Learning to Pray", by Louise Perrotta
  • "Making Peace With God, Yourself and Others", by Paul Thigpen, Ph.D.

The teachings of the Saints in the context of Vatican II teaching

Vatican II teaching says that Christ is central to all devotions in the Christian faith. All other devotions are relative only to the person of Christ. And the gospel Christ has preached is the basis for the authenticity of all the teachings and the writings of the Saints - including devotions related to their intercession. Devotions to the Saints and their teaching are also part of the Catholic faith and is important in their rootedness to the Person of Jesus. These Saints lived and evangelized the world as "reflections of the face and voice of Christ" in a specific time and culture. They were the "hands and feet" of Christ in the mission and the apostolate of their community. Their life and spirituality continue to influence many to see Christ and His gospel preached to many cultures in the world.

The books in review

Of the five books selected in the Saints' Guide Series, three speak of prayer and relationship and with others. In these times of much conflict and violence much can be learned from the Saints to conquer the natural desire to take revenge and seek vengeance. Practical guidelines and advice are given to make this possible. And the way to conquer it is through forgiveness, and the understanding that God does not want the evil to perish but for them to amend their life. The wisdom that these Saints teach are based on their own way of life and spirituality - a life and spirituality that taught the Christian ideals to the members of their communities.

A book in the Series, Learning to Pray, contains a lot of wisdom in the life of prayer. Many of the Saints advise to make prayer deeper and more contemplative - less on words and more of a quiet and still gaze at God and His will.

Another book of the Series that can benefit many is Help When Life Hurts. This is a book that contains practical guidelines how one can understand and live the reality of suffering in Christian life. To get an idea of the contents of the book, the following titles are listed:

  • In the Shadow of the Cross
  • Suffering of the Heart: Betrayal
  • The Weight of the Cross: Sickness and Death
  • Trials of the Spirit: Temptation and Doubt
  • Fighting Back: Prayer and Other Helps in Time of Need
  • What's the Point? Finding Meaning in Suffering
  • Looking Beyond Our Pain: At the Service of Others
  • Is God Paying Attention? Carrying the Cross Assigned Us
  • Big or Small, It's Still the Cross: The Ordinary Suffering of Daily Life
  • Consolation in Trial: Prayers and Meditations

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