
Saturday, August 24, 2024

Memorial of Saints (August 24)

on August 24:

  • Bartholomew, apostle;
    Learn more what happened to St. Bartholomew after Pentecost
  • The Martyrs of Utica;
  • Audoenus or Ouen, bishop

St. Ouen, a.k.a. as Owen or Audoenus, (ca. 610-684 A.D.) was born near Soissons, France. He was educated at Medard Abbey and was made chancellor by King Clotaire II's son. Ouen wanted to become a monk but was persuaded not to be one by Dagobert, the King's son. As a layman, he promoted religion and combatted simony. He continued to be chancellor when Clovis II was made king, was ordained in 641 A.D., and became archbishop of Rouen. Encouraging learning and the founding of new monasteries, he was known to be charitable - supporting missionary activities to pagan areas of his see.

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