
Friday, August 02, 2024

Memorial of Saints (August 2)

Eusebius (died 371 A.D.): considered the founder of the canons regular in the West, defender of St. Athanasius; exiled to Palestine by Constantius; with St. Hilary, an opponent of Arianism.

also on August 2:

  • Stephen I, pope and martyr;
  • Theodota, martyr;
  • Thomas of Dover

Theodota (d. ca. 304) was of noble birth and lived in Nicaea during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Diocletian. When she refused to marry the Prefect Leucatius, Leucatius denounced her and her children to Proconsul Nicetius as Christians. When Theodota and her children refused to sacrifice to pagan gods, they were all burned to death.

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