
Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Classics of Catholic Spirituality

The Classics of Catholic Spirituality: A Brief Introduction to 14 Catholic Classics

For those interested, 14 classic spiritualities of the Catholic faith are in this book. It gives an overview of fourteen great classics in the Christian faith. It also outlines all the themes that go into a Catholic classic.

A brief introduction

According to Fr. Arie van der Hulst, SMM, a priest of the Montfort Missionaires, it takes a certain level of spiritual understanding to read the classics. One who intends to read the classics has to have a certain level of spiritual experience to understand the richness of its wisdom. Some classics are easily understood; others may be read and understood when the level of one's relationship with God approaches that of the author. If you have a spiritual director, then you can seek counsel what classic books are best for your spiritual journey.

14 Classics in the book are listed below:

  • St. Augustine: Confessions

  • The Cloud of Unknowing

  • The Little Flowers of St. Francis

  • Julian of Norwich: Revelations of Divine Love

  • St. Catherine of Siena: The Dialogue

  • Thomas a Kempis: The Imitation of Christ

  • St. Ignatius of Loyola: The Spiritual Exercises

  • St. John of the Cross: The Ascent of Mount Carmel

  • St. Teresa of Avila: Interior Castel

  • St. Francis de Sales: Introduction to the Devout Life

  • Bro. Lawrence of the Resurrection: The Practice of the Presence of God

  • St. Louis de Montfort: True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Jean-Pierre de Caussade: Abandonment to Divine Providence

  • St. Therese of Lisieux: Story of a Soul

Short descriptions and explanations

The short descriptions and explanations of the content inside the fourteen classics are easy to understand because the author writes them in layman's language. The reader will easily understand what each spiritual author is saying through a general description of the author's life and his spirituality. What one can learn from the descriptions is only the "tip of the iceberg". But the challenge for each interested reader is to know more about them through the actual reading of the classic book itself. If you decide to go to the book themselves - the primary sources - you will see in greater detail the beauty and splendor of the truth of God and the respect we own Him for our life and world.

Some suggestions

If you have not read anyone of the fourteen classics above, a starter list suggestion for reading would be the following:

  • The Cloud of Unknowing

  • The Little Flowers of St. Francis

  • The Imitation of Christ

  • Introduction to the Devout Life

  • Abandonment to Divine Providence

  • Story of a Soul

Of all the six books listed above, the Story of a Soul is easy to understand. It is written by St. Therese of the Child Jesus. The Introduction to the Devout Life, written by St. Francis de Sales is also a very good guide to holiness mapped for the faithful in all walks of life.

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