
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Memorial of Saints (July 30)

Peter: (died c. 450 A.D.); called "Chrysologus" (golden-tongue) for his exceptional preaching ability; bishop of Ravenna; 170 homilies are extant.

The homilies of St. Peter were short; he did not want to tire his listeners. But his sermons were greatly known as being powerful that he was named Doctor of the Church by Pope Benedict XIII in 1729 A.D. Peter's sermons were collected by Bishop Felix of Ravenna in the eighth century A.D. There are about one hundred seventy-six of these existing today. They cover biblical texts, the Apostles' Creed, sermons on the Blessed Virgin and other themes. Learn more.

also on July 30: Abdon and Sennen, martyrs; Julitta, widow and martyr

Abdon and Sennen (d. ca. 303 A.D.) were arrested during Diocletian's persecution of Christians. When they refused to sacrifice to the gods, they were exposed to the wild beasts. But they were unharmed by the wild beasts. They were eventually hacked to pieces by the gladiators.

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