
Friday, July 26, 2024

Memorial of Saints (July 26)

Joachim and Anne: Names of the parents of Mary found in the 2nd c. A.D. Protoevangelium of James, veneration of Anne originated in 6th c. A.D. East; patroness of childless women and miners; devotion to Joachim dates from the 8th c. A.D.

also on July 26:

  • Simeon the Armenian;
  • Bartholomea Capitanio, virgin

Bartholomea Capitanio (1807-1833 A.D.) was unable to secure her parents' permission to become a nun. She organized a sodality for the education of the young, met Catherine Gerosa, and together they founded an institute. The congregation eventually secured papal approval. Bartholomea died on July 26 at twenty-six and was canonized in 1950.

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