
Monday, July 22, 2024

Memorial of Saints (July 22)

Mary Magdalene: (died 1st c. A.D.); healed of possession; disciple of Jesus and present at his crucifixion; in Mark, the first to witness to the risen Lord (hence, called the "apostle of the apostles" - Robanus Maurus, +856 A.D.); mistakenly identified as the sinful woman of Luke 7:36-50; patroness of the Order of Preachers.

also on July 22:

  • Joseph of Palestine;
  • Wandregisilus or Wandrille, abbot;
  • Philip Evans and John Lloyd, priests and martyrs

Joseph of Palestine (d. ca. 356 A.D.) was assistant to Rabbi Hillel, but became a Christian when the Rabbi was baptized at his death. He inherited the Christian books of the Rabbi. He was made a comes by Emperor Constantine and built several churches in Galilee. When he took up residence in Scythopolis, he gave shelter to St. Eusebius of Vercelli, St. Epiphanus, and other refugees of Arian persecution. St. Epiphanus later wrote a biography of Joseph of Palestine.

Wandregisilus (d. 668 A.D.) was married in deference to his parents wishes. In 628 A.D., he separated from his wife by mutual consent: she to become a nun, and he to become a Benedictine monk in Montefaucon Abbey under St. Baudry. For a time he also became a hermit, then went to Romain-Moƻtier abbey where he was ordained after 10 years. He again left this abbey to found a new one in Normandy. It was here that he also built a school and became involved in preaching to the inhabitants of the area.

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