
Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Memorial of Saints (July 2)

  • Processus and Martinian, martyrs;
  • Monegundis, widow;
  • Otto of Bamberg, bishop

Processus and Martinian, according to pious stories, were the wardens of Peter and Paul when the two apostles were in Mammertine Prison in Rome. Both wardens were converted by the apostles, were tortured by their superior when they would not sacrifice to Jupiter. They were both sworded to death.

Monegundis (d. 570 A.D.) was married with two children. When her two children died she became a recluse, with her husband's permission, in a cell in Chartres, France. She moved to Tours and attracted numerous disciples. After her death many miracles were reported at her tomb.

Otto of Bamberg (d. 1139 A.D.) was ordained at a young age. In 1124 A.D., at the invitation of Boleslaus III of Poland, he headed a group of missionaries to eastern Pomerania, where they made thousands of converts. He was canonized in 1189 A.D.

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