
Monday, June 24, 2024

Solemnity of the Birth of St. John the Baptist (B)

(Edited) Reflections (from) Solemnity of the Birth of St. John the Baptist (B), June 24, 2012

Isaiah 49:1-6
Psalm 139
Acts 13:22-26
Luke 1:57-66, 80

"His name is John"

As with the events surrounding the birth and naming of Jesus, it was also the angel Gabriel who appeared to Zechariah to announce the birth and naming of John the Baptist. The Scriptures present the truth that, unlike some present-day trends, names are sacred; and not only names of persons but also of places - like where Moses encountered Yahweh, and where Jacob had a dream of angels ascending and descending from heaven. The name John given by the angel Gabriel denotes a special mission for the child to be born of Zechariah and Elizabeth (for no one in their family's tradition has that name).

As with the birth of Jesus, the birth of John the Baptist was also a miracle. Jesus was born of a virgin, while John was born from Elizabeth, who was already way advanced in years, and known by her community as barren. The parallelism of the birth narratives of Jesus and John makes all see the importance of their mission - that both would call the people back to God and His commands. In their mission, John would baptize by water, while Jesus will baptize in the Holy Spirit. And since John the Baptist's mission introduces the mission of Jesus, he is honored well in Catholic tradition: his name appears in the Litany of Saints right after the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the angels.

We can reflect on the events surrounding the birth of St. John the Baptist. What does it mean when God overrides a family tradition of naming? What was the reason for the Lord to strike Zechariah with speechlessness until his son was born? And how can a woman so advanced in years still find strength to bear a child? We can derive many truths from these questions for reflection. One truth that can be derived is the majesty and greatness of God. And since John's birth has a mission entrusted by God, his name is sacred (John means "graced by God"). It relates to the mystery of God as the Author of all life and all that is good.

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