
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Obligatory and Optional Memorials (June 26)

In the liturgy of the hours, the majority of Saints celebrated on a specific day are either celebrated as an obligatory or an optional memorial. For the special days of the Lord and the Blessed Mother, some are celebrated as Feasts or Solemnities. Feasts and Solemnities are more infrequent, but they are more important than the obligatory and optional memorials. Obligatory and optional memorials are more frequent.

June 26 is an optional memorial for St. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer.

St. Josemaria is the founder of Opus Dei. To know more about St. Josemaria and the writings he published, visit this blog post.

Other saints honored on June 26 can be found in another blog post. Visit the page.

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