
Monday, June 24, 2024

Memorials of Saints: John the Baptist, Simplicius, Bartholomew (June 24)

The Birth of John the Baptist: This feast, dating from the 4th c. A.D. in both East and West, came to be celebrated, in accord with Lk 1:36, six months before the Lord’s birth; quoting Jn 3:30, Augustine found this date (near summer solstice) appropriate for the birth of John, when the daylight begins to grow shorter, whereas after Jesus’ birth, it begins to increase. (June 24)

also on June 24: The martyrs under Nero; Simplicius, bishop; Bartholomew of Farne

St. John the Baptist is one of the great saints honored by the Catholic Church. His preeminence is verified by the fact that in the Litany of the Saints, he ranks just below the Blessed Mother and the angels, and above all the other saints. He is the last of the Old Testament prophets, and heralds Christ as the Messiah.

Below are just some of the Scripture passages where he is mentioned:

  • Luke 1:57-66, birth of John the Baptist
  • Mark 1:1-6, Matthew 3:1-6, Luke 3:1-6, John the Baptist's proclamation
  • Matthew 3:7-10, Luke 3:7-9, John's preaching on repentance
  • Luke 3:10-14, John's preaching to special groups
  • Matthew 3:11-12, Mark 1:7-8, Luke 3:15-18, John's Messianic preaching
  • Luke 3:19-20, John's imprisonment
  • Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22, Baptism of Jesus by John
  • Matthew 9:14-17, Mark 2:18-22, Luke 5:33-39, mention of John in the question of fasting
  • Luke 7:18-23, John's question to Jesus
  • Matthew 11:7-19, Luke 7:24-35, Jesus' words about John
  • Matthew 14:1-2, Mark 6:14-16, Luke 9:7-9, Herod thinks Jesus is John risen

Simplicius was elected bishop of Autun in 390 A.D. Details of his life are not certain but it is believed that he signed the decrees of the Council of Sardica in 347 A.D.

Bartholomew of Farne became a monk at Durham. He then became a solitary in the desolate island of Farne off the coast of Northumbria, where he spent the next forty-two years. Bartholomew was reputed to have performed miracles.

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