
Saturday, June 22, 2024

Memorial of Saints (June 22)

Paulinus of Nola: (died 431 A.D.); husband and father who gave his possessions to the poor; a dedicated bishop, especially during the Visigoth invations.

He used the ground floor of his house as a guest house for pilgrims, debtors, and others who were down on their luck. On the upper floor, he and his wife and a few friends began a semimonastic way of life. They all prayed the Divine Office together on a daily basis. He also had a special devotion to the Saints, writing poems and letters to some of the most important Christians of the day: Ambrose of Milan, Jerome, Augustine of Hippo, and Martin of Tours. (June 22)

John Fisher: (beheaded 22 June 1535 A.D.); chancellor of Cambridge University; bishop of Rochester; dedicated pastor of souls; renowned for his preaching and educational reforms; defender of Church tradition against Luther, and of the Roman primacy against Henry VIII. (June 22)

Thomas More: (beheaded 6 July 1535 A.D.); humanist and chancellor of England; close friend of Erasmus; wrote “Utopia”; refused to support Henry VIII’s divorce of Queen Catherine and his Act of Supremacy; patron of lawyers, statesmen and politicians. (June 22)

also on June 22: Alban, martyr; Nicetas of Remesiana, bishop; Eberhard, bishop

To follow the other Saints whose feasts and memorials occur in the month of June, visit this link

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