
Sunday, June 09, 2024

Five Important Documents in the Catholic Church

There are five very important types of documents in the Catholic Church. The most important is the Apostolic Constitution while the least important is the Papal Message. These five documents are all issued by the Pope [or council].

The five types of Church documents

The five important Church documents in order of importance:

  • 1. Apostolic Constitutions
  • 2. Encyclical Letters
  • 3. Apostolic Exhortations
  • 4. Apostolic Letters
  • 5. Papal Messages

Apostolic Constitutions

The Apostolic Constitution is a Church document of the highest authority that is issued by a Pope or council. The two types of Apostolic Constitutions:

  • Dogmatic Constitution
  • Pastoral Constitution

The Dogmatic Constitution has something to do with dogma and the teachings of the Church. An example of a Dogmatic Constitution is the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium in Latin. This was issued during the Second Vatican Council, 21 November 1964 A.D.

The Pastoral Constitution has to do with the application of the doctrines of the Church. An example of this document is the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes in Latin. This document was also issued during the Second Vatican Council, 7 December 1965 A.D.

Encyclical Letters

Encyclical Letters are pastoral letters written by the Pope concerning matters of doctrine for the entire Church. The origin of these Encyclical Letters are based on the Letters of the Apostles in the New Testament. Pope John Paul II wrote a total of fourteen (14) encyclical letters. Two popular encyclicals he wrote:

  • on the Blessed Mother [The Mother of the Redeemer, Redemptoris Mater, March 25, 1987 A.D.]
  • and on the Eucharist [Ecclesia de Eucharistia, April 17, 2003 A.D.]

Apostolic Exhortations

These Church documents are written by the Pope as an encouragement for people to take practical action. Examples of this Apostolic Exhortation:

  • Ecclesia in Asia.
  • The document for religious that was issued by Pope Paul VI on 29 June 1971 A.D. - Apostolic Exhortation on the Renewal of Religious Life, Evangelica testificatio.

Apostolic Letters

Apostolic Letters are issued by the Pope for matters of lesser importance, such as the establishment of a new diocese. Examples of Apostolic Letters issued after the period of the Second Vatican Council:

  • Apostolic Letter on Mixed Marriages [by Pope Paul VI, Matrimonia Mixta, 7 January 1970 A.D.],
  • Apostolic Letter Containing Norms for the Order of the Diaconate [by Pope Paul VI, Ad pascendum, 15 August 1972 A.D.],
  • Apostolic Letter Concerning Mass Stipends [by Pope Paul VI, Firma in traditione, 15 June 1974 A.D.

The late Holy Father, John Paul II, composed a total of forty-five (45) Apostolic Letters.

Messages of the Holy Father

These documents of the Holy Father are for various purposes. Examples of these during the pontificate of John Paul II: the Papal Message for the Celebration of the World Day of Peace, 1 January 1989 A.D., and the Message for the World Communications Day every Sunday before Pentecost Sunday.

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