
Sunday, June 16, 2024

11th Sunday of the Year (B)

(Edited) Reflections (from) 11th Sunday of the Year (B), June 17, 2012

Liturgical readings

Ezekiel 17:22-24
Psalm 92
2 Corinthians 5:6-10
Mark 4:26-34

"What image will help to present the reign of God?"

Jesus asked this question to the crowd: "What image will help to present the reign of God?" (Mark 4:30) Then He presented the parable of the mustard seed (Mark 4:31-32). Previous to this question and the parable of the mustard seed, He also presented another parable (Mark 4:26-29) for the people to understand in commonplace images what the reign of God is. Both parables used the element of "seed" in their presentation: the first parable used seeds that produced a wheat field ready for harvest, while the second parable used a mustard seed that grew into the largest of shrubs - sheltering the birds of the sky.

The first seeds in the first parable produced food, while the second seed in the second parable produced shelter. The gospel helps us to see that the reign of God provides food and shelter for all its children. The food it produces is an imperishable food, and the shelter it provides gives refuge from what can harm. Jesus wants us to see that the reign of God is like a father that provides for his family. It is God our Father who provides everything for all His children. So as "all in the family" receive His Kingdom's provisions, so should everyone also work to provide for others who want to be a part of it. By our good deeds done in the Spirit, God's kingdom grows and is built up in the strength of His mercy.

We are indeed privileged as Catholics to have a Church that has provided and still continues to provide generations with the imperishable food in the Eucharist and the refuge needed to be healed from the harm done by sin. As we receive nourishment and healing, so must we work so that others to can share in what we have received. It is by us that the reign of God extends to other families within our immediate social network. Let us "forward" the gift we have received to others. Our good deeds need not be big actions; just a kind remark or a charitable gesture as small as a mustard seed is enough to let God's Kingdom be present among us.

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