
Sunday, December 17, 2023

Origin of the Christmas Crèche Custom

The Christmas crèche that many revere as a symbol of the birth of Christ has its origins in the miracle performed by St. Francis of Assisi in the cave of Greccio in 1223 A.D.

The Christmas crèche

The modern Christmas crèche, which is composed of statues of St. Joseph, the Blessed Virgin, the Child Jesus in the manger, the shepherds, the three Wise Men, and the stable animals, is seen around the world during Christmas time. It is seen in churches, parishes, schools and also in homes. The custom of placing this crèche has been established since 1223 A.D., when St. Francis of Assisi built one for his community at Greccio.

Through the patronage of Messer John Vellita

According to author Johannes Jörgensen in his book, "St. Francis of Assisi", St. Francis celebrated a special Christmas in Greccio (also called Grecchia) in the year 1223 A.D. Messer John Vellita, a friend and well-wisher of St. Francis, had given him and his community a wood-grown cliff above Greccio where they could live. St. Francis then invited this John Vellita to celebrate the holy Christmas night with him and his community. There was a cave near where the community lived and which they arrange to have a manger filled with hay. An ox and an ass was also placed inside, just as in that Bethlehem event of Christ's birth.

Imitating the manger at Bethlehem

Messer John Vellita made sure that the cave in Greccio is prepared so that it will be similar as the one during that first Christmas night in Bethlehem. So when that special Christmas eve at Greccio finally arrived, all the members of the community came together to celebrate the festival of Christmas. All the brothers in the community carried either torches or candles. Mass was said over the manger at the altar so that the Christ-Child under the form of bread and wine should himself come to the place as bodily and discernibly as he had been in the stable of Bethlehem.

The Christmas crèche miracle

Suddenly, for a moment, Messer John Vellita seemed to see a real child lying in the manger. Then, St. Francis of Assisi, stepped forward and took the Christ-Child lovingly in his arms. And the Christ-Child smiled at St. Francis so sweetly that this miracle-event brought so great a joy and peace to all in that cave of Greccio.

The Christmas crèche as a symbol of peace

The holiness of St. Francis of Assisi is well-attested in history. By this miracle at Greccio, St. Francis has gifted the Church with a custom and tradition which will remain in the hearts and souls of Catholics all over the world every Christmas time. So, everytime there is a crèche or a Christmas crib scene, let it remind all that St. Francis of Assisi, himself always wanting to be an instrument of peace, wishes the Church to also receive the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, in the minds, hearts, homes and families of every race and culture the world.

Related resources:

  • "St. Francis of Assisi" by Johannes Jörgensen
  • Dictionary of Saints by John Delaney

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