
Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Memorial of Saints (December 26)

St. Stephen was one of the seven deacons in the early Church. Filled with God's Spirit, Stephen spoke with much wisdom. He however aroused the anger of his people. Charged with blasphemy, the people stoned him to death. While being stoned Stephen forgave his executioners (died ca. 36 A.D.).

St. Archelaus was a bishop of Kashkar, Mesopotamia. He was known for his learning and holiness. His name is listed in the Roman Martyrology (died ca. 3rd century).

St. Dionysius was a priest before elected pope on July 22, 259 A.D. St. Dionysius was very active in defending the Church against heresies - particularly the ones caused by the bishop of Alexandria and Sabellianism. He is the first pope not listed as a martyr (died ca. 268 A.D.).

St. Zosimus was consecrated pope on March 18, 417 A.D. Zosimus was involved in two disputes: opposition to Bishop Patrocus and in the acceptance of Apiarias of Sicca appeal against condemnation by African bishops (died ca. 418 A.D.).

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