
Sunday, December 24, 2023

4th Sunday of Advent (B)

(Edited) Reflections for 4th Sunday of Advent (B), December 18, 2011

Liturgical readings

2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-11, 16
Psalm 89
Romans 16:25-27
Luke 1:26-38

"For nothing will be impossible for God."

Faith and obedience to God is a virtue that is needed more in the present times. Even with all advancements in science and technology, the human heart has basically remained the same (still in need of redemption from God). All humanity inherited a heart from Adam and Eve - one that disobeyed God and chose to do what is against His will. But God did not give up on this disobedience. He chose Mary (conceived without sin - the Immaculate Conception), to bring back into the world the virtues of obedience, purity, faith and confidence in God. This simple maiden, this humble virgin from Nazareth, became the instrument by which God will place back in the heart of humanity His Word - a Word that speaks the golden rule, to lead us back to a life in union with God.

God's ways are above our own. And nothing is impossible with Him. From the human point of view, Mary's conceiving the Word as a virgin is both a miracle and a mystery (as with the conception of Elizabeth in her old age). If learned systems of logic are suspended, and a direction to trust in God is followed, (as exemplified by Mary), all can gradually practice the same virtues she practiced. To trust God in His Word, to trust God in His Church, and to trust God in the very ordinary circumstances all live and work in, is the mustard seed of faith that will eventually bear a fruitful harvest for each - the presence of Christ in our hearts and in our lives.

In Catholic devotion, Mary has a special role in the history of salvation. Her role was unique that Christians in both the Eastern and Western traditions naturally turn to her and devote their lives and their projects to God through her intercession. After Jesus, she is the most loved in prayer and spirituality. It was her who, "undid" the disobedience of Eve's heart (by her obedience). By Mary's faith in God's will, she bore Jesus, who also, "undid" the disobedience of Adam's heart (by His obedience unto death upon a Cross), and provided a path for all to follow - a path that can make humanity see the wisdom of following the golden rule in this life, so as to share in the eternal life Jesus promises.

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