
Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Important Dates in the History of the People Israel

Important Dates in Early Israel's History

The history of the Israelites can be traced to the biblical accounts of the patriarchs, and through historical records that ground their story in the turbulent eras of war in the Fertile Crescent.

1850 B.C. - Abraham

The story of the patriarch Abraham runs in the bible from chapters 12-23 of Genesis. It is a beautiful story of call, vocation, obedience, trust, and faith in Yahweh. According to historians, Abraham's time setting can be placed after the fall of the magnificent Third Dynasty of Ur (2060-1950 B.C.). During this time period, a seminomadic people, called Amorites, made several waves of migrations. Abraham's family may have been part of those migrations.

1720 B.C. - Hyksos rule in Egypt

Though Egyptian culture prospered, by the year 1720 B.C., the Hyksos people invaded Egypt and began their rule. Hyksos people were partly Semitic in origin. Abraham and his descendants also belonged to the Semitic race. It was in this time of history that Jacob, Abraham's grandson, had migrated to Egypt with all of his family, due to the drought and famine in the Canaanite region.

1700 B.C. - Joseph and the patriarchs

This was the period in the history of the people Israel when all of Jacob's descendants thrived in Egypt under the rule of the Hyksos people. For the Hyksos people, they did not mind the presence of foreigners in their midst. In fact, they welcomed it. And the rise to power of Joseph may have been possible because of this favorable context.

1250 B.C. - the Exodus

Hyksos rule did not last. Eventually, the Egyptians united themselves and overcame the Hyksos. This regaining of their independence made the Egyptians stronger and more in control of their territories. This shift of rule had a change in the attitude towards the people Israel. Soon, a pharoah "who did not know Joseph" came to the throne and used the people Israel as slaves for his building projects. It was the abject misery of this slavery in the hands of the Egyptians that Moses was called to lead the people Israel out of Egypt and into freedom. This event of freedom from slavery is called "the Exodus".

1220 B.C. - Canaan and the Judges

After escaping from Egypt, the people wandered in the desert for many years. Eventually, they were led to the land promised to them by Yahweh. The people's entry into Canaan was a process that spanned many generations. It took time before they organized themselves. While establishing themselves in the land, judges, led their theocratic twelve-tribe confederacy.

1025 B.C. - Samuel and King Saul

Samuel is the last of the judges of Israel. At this time, the people Israel were clamoring for a king "like the other nations". Samuel, who was the leader of the people, was called by God to anoint the first king of the people: Saul. Saul brought all the tribes of the confederacy into a more organized government.

1000 B.C. - King David and King Solomon

The kingdom of Israel experienced its greatest unity and organization during the reign of David. However, the temple of the people was only constructed during the time of King Solomon. In the reign of both David and Solomon, the kingdom was fully united: the tribes of the north together with the tribes of the south.

930 B.C. - the divided Kingdom

After the reigns of kings David and Solomon, the nation was split into two kingdoms: Israel in the north, and Judah in the south. This was a period when the Hebrew people, especially their kings, started to neglect the law and become unfaithful to Yahweh.

850 B.C. - Elijah and Elisha

Because of the infidelity of His people, Yahweh raises up prophets. These prophets are called by God to remind the people of their covenant with Yahweh. Prophets are basically the spokespersons of God - telling people of their sinfulness and reminding them to repent and amend their ways. Elijah was one such prophet. After Elijah's mission, his follower Elisha, took over.

750 B.C. - Amos and Hosea

This was the period of the prophets Amos and Hosea. Though powerful in word and deed because of the presence of Yahweh's Spirit in them, the prophets are usually ordinary people. Amos was a shepherd from Tekoa (Amos 1:1), and Hosea, was even called by Yahweh to marry a prostitute named Gomer, for the sake of prophesying to Israel.

721 B.C. - fall of Israel

Despite all the calls of the prophets for the people to relent from their sinful ways, they persisted. Eventually, the people experienced what the prophets were warning them about: destruction. In 721 B.C., the Assyrian people conquered and devastated Israel - the northern kingdom.

620 B.C. - Jeremiah and Ezekiel

Again and continually, Yahweh raises up prophets to remind His People to refrain from their wicked ways. This time, He calls Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Jeremiah was hesitant to obey Yahweh's call for he was very young (Jer 1:6-9). Ezekiel, on the other hand, was a priest and the son of Buzi (Ezek 1:1-3). He was called to preach to those who were exiled by the destruction of the northern kingdom.

587 B.C. - Judah falls

Despite all the calls to reform of the prophets, the people did not heed them. Eventually, the southern kingdom, Judah, also falls. They were conquered this time by the Babylonian people. The Babylonians deported the people to Babylonia. This started the period of the Exile.

587-538 B.C. - the Exile

The Exile lasted for about 50 years. Despite the danger of being absorbed into Babylonian culture, the people preserved their cultural and religious identity.

538 B.C. - Cyrus the Persian

At this time, Cyrus the Persian led his armies against the Babylonians. Cyrus permitted the people to return to Canaan and to rebuild their temple. This was another journey of the people in the desert - a second Exodus back to their land.

440 B.C. - Nehemiah

Nehemiah was the cupbearer to the king Artaxerxes (Neh 1:11). He was called by Yahweh to organize the work in rebuilding the Temple for the people. Under Nehemiah's leadership, the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt, and a sense of purity of community and worship was reestablished.

330 B.C. - Palestine under Greeks

At this time, Alexander the Great's armies marched across Asia Minor. The Greek way of life and culture influenced much of the regions conquered. This included the people Israel - many of whom became Greek-speaking Jews. An example of this Greek influence is the Wisdom of Solomon - a book in the bible that espouses a Hellenistic world view and context.

165 B.C. - the Maccabees

The presence of the Greeks created a Hellenistic movement - the Hellenization of cultures within their domains. This included all of Jewish life. The Jews who rebelled against this Hellenization were the Maccabees. Their resistance movement led to a full-scale war. These and other Jews were able to achieve a century of independence, before a Roman ruler, Pompey, came to Jerusalem in 63 B.C.

Related resources:

  • "Understanding the Old Testament", by Bernhard W. Anderson
  • "Journey: Volume I - Torah", by Msgr. Marcel Gervais
  • The Promised Land: Introductory Article
  • The Promised Land: Three Theories of the Canaan Conquest
  • Three Turning Points in the Life of Early Israel
  • The NRSV, [the New Revised Standard Version] Catholic Edition

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