
Friday, November 10, 2023

Memorials of Saints Celebrated in the Month of November

Solemnity of All Saints: Originating in the 4th c. Eastern feast of all Martyrs, and attested to by St. Ephrem (died 373 A.D.), Pope Gregory IV established this commemoration for all the Saints of the Roman Church in 835 A.D. Originally celebrated on Easter Friday, it came to be held in Rome on 13 May; later, in the 9th c. A.D., it was transferred to 1 Nov., the date of its celebration in Ireland where it countered the Celtic pagan feast of the Druids. (November 1)

Martin: (died 1639 A.D.); born in Lima of a Spanish father and a black slave mother; O.P. lay brother who humbly ministered to the poor and the sick, especially African slaves; devoted to the Holy Eucharist; a close friend of Rose of Lima; patron of social justice and of peoples of mixed races. (November 3)

Charles Borromeo (died 3 Nov. 1584 A.D.): at age 46; cardinal and secretary of state at age 22 for his uncle, Pope Pius IV; implemented reforms of Trent in his diocese of Milan; founder of seminaries; considered a model pastor by many bishops, including Francis de Sales; held five provincial councils and 11 diocesan synods; patron of catechists and of catechumens. (November 4)

Leo: (died 461 A.D.); eminent pastor and preacher; defender of the Roman primacy; combatted Pelagianism and Manichaeism; his Tome on Christ's two natures was adopted by the Council of Chalcedon 451 A.D.; many of his prayers are found in the Sacramentary; saved Rome from marauding Huns and Vandals. (November 10)

Martin of Tours: (died 397 A.D.); from Pannonia (in Hungary); soldier turned Christian at 18; disciple of St. Hilary; at Liguge, founded the first monastery in the West; bishop of Tours; first non-martyr with annual feast in the Western Church; patron of soldiers, winegrowers, and of France. (November 11)

Josaphat Kuncevych (died 1623 A.D.); born in Poland, raised Ukranian Orthodox, becoming a Basilian monk of the Ruthenian Rite at Vilna; bishop of Polotsk; his fidelity to the Roman See and his desire for union between the Ukranian Church and Rome led to his murder at Vitebsk; first formally canonized saint of the Eastern Rite (1867 A.D.). (November 12)

Albert (died 1280 A.D. at Cologne): from Swabia; O.P. master of philosophy, theology and the natural sciences, especially Aristotle; teacher of St. Thomas; Provincial of the German Dominicans (1254-1257 A.D.), becoming bishop of Regensburg; prolific writer (38 quarto volumes in print); wrote on the cult of the Sacred Heart; patron of scientists. (November 15)

Margaret: (died 1093 A.D.); from Hungary; wife of King Malcolm III of Scotland and mother of eight; helped root out paganism; her love for the poor became legendary; patroness of Scotland. (November 16)

Gertrude: (died 17 Nov 1301 A.D.); born in Thuringia; Benedictine mystic who wrote on the meaning of suffering, the Sacred Heart, the Trinity, and God’s love, most important work: Legatus Memorialis Abundantiae Divinae Pietatis (The Herald of Divine Love). (November 16)

Elizabeth of Hungary (died 1231 A.D. at age 23); wife of Louis VI of Thuringia and mother of 3; as a widow, she became a Franciscan tertiary, dedicated to the needs of the poor and the sick; canonized only 4 years after her death; patroness of the Franciscan Third Order and of Catholic charities. (November 17)

Cecilia or Cecily: (died 3rd c.? A.D.); known from her legendary Passio, a poem which exalts Christian virginity; honored in Rome since 5th c. A.D.; mentioned in the Roman canon; patroness of sacred music because of the song of God in her heart. (November 22)

Clement I: (died c. 100 A.D.); under Trajan; fourth bishop of Rome; wrote famous epistle to the Corinthians; mentioned in the Roman Canon. (November 23)

Columban or Columbanus: (died 615 A.D.); Irish monk and missionary to France; wrote a strict monastic rule and Penitential; founded monasteries at Luxeuil, Bobbio, and elsewhere; exiled to Italy for denouncing court immortality and lax bishops; died at Bobbio. (November 23)

Andrew was one of 117 people who were martyred in Vietnam between 1820-1862 A.D. The last of the martyrs were 17 laypersons, one of them a 9-year-old, executed in 1862 A.D. (November 24)

Catherine of Alexandria: this martyr was a learned woman of the early fourth century, who, following her conversion at the age of eighteen, preached the Gospel throughout Alexandria in Egypt. While imprisoned by the emperor Maximus, she converted both the empress and the leader of the armed forces and for this she was martyred. (November 25)

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