
Monday, November 13, 2023

"Called by Name" by Robert J. Furey

"Called by Name" by Robert J. Furey


Many books have been written on the theme of vocation or calling. This book speaks of a more specialized concept of vocation: calling. Author Robert J. Furey, a psychotherapist by profession, speaks about callings from the perspective of a counselor. He guides his readers to see how God, in His wisdom, personally asks each one of us to do something that only we can do. Furey encourages the reader to discover for himself that unique call or mission, that defines him and makes him more aware of God who calls him by his own name.

Callings equip us with courage and abilities

According to Furey, the mystery of God's call equips each one with the miracle of having the perfect combination of abilities to meet the challenges inherent in his specific call. Initially, as is usual in anything unknown or part of God's mystery, fear is present and felt in truth. But author Furey writes that once a leap of faith is made, courage miraculously materializes and the person's particular path in life becomes clearer. A specific direction emerges and looms before him. When that person discovers the calling's origin, he eventually realizes that it comes from God.

The book is sourced from many materials

This book by Furey comes from a number of sources. Although the concept of calling is often associated with the Christian faith, Furey draws also from other disciplines: psychology, philosophy, literature, medicine, anthropology, management studies, political science, biology, and history. However, with all these materials and sources he integrates in his work, he humbly states that the book is an explanation of the nature of calling, and does not presume to be the explanation. He further writes that the book is more of an introduction to the nature of calling rather than a conclusion. According to him, the final word on the mystery of God's call really belongs to the reader himself and to God.

The chapters of the book

Below is an outline of the chapters of the book. The book is easy reading. It is light and brief, spanning only 166 pages. For those privileged with time, it can be read in one sitting:

  • Callings
  • A Well-Known Secret
  • Callings Denied
  • Callings Found
  • Hearing Your Calling, Seeing Your Vision, Finding Your Mission
  • Conclusion

Final words by the author

Towards the end of the book, Furey writes with an inspiring thought:

"There are no small callings. Each one of us is called to make a great contribution. Each calling invites us to do wonderful things in our lives. Some visions lead to fame and fortune; others do not. But each calling is equally significant and necessary.

If we listen for our callings and live the missions we have been given, we will receive the power, courage, awareness, and passion to move the mountains that wait for us. All the while we will be moving closer to the force that calls us by name, closer to the force that sends the breeze."

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