
Sunday, November 12, 2023

32nd Sunday of the Year (A)

(Edited) Reflections, 32nd Sunday of the Year (A) - November 6, 2011

Liturgical readings

Wisdom 6:12-16
Psalm 63
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Matthew 25:1-13

"Keep your eyes open, for you know not the day."

The NRSV (New Revised Standard Version) bible uses the terms "bridesmaids", "foolish", and "wise" in this Sunday's gospel. The Jerusalem Bible uses the same words, except for the term "sensible", instead of "wise". The New American Bible uses the same terms as the NRSV, but subtitles the parable as the "Parable of the Ten Virgins", and uses the term "virgins" once in the parable. The Good News Bible has simpler terminology: it uses the term "girls", instead of bridesmaids or virgins. But the crux of the parable Jesus wants His hearers to understand lies in the wide difference between "foolish" and "sensible" (or "wise").

The parable Jesus explains to His hearers prefigures the return of the Son of Man - the return of which no one does not know, not "day or the hour". Although no one knows the exact time of His return, the parable teaches a lesson to be sensible and wise. In the context of the parable, sensibility and wisdom means having what is needed before the Lord's return. For the five wise bridesmaids, this meant having enough oil for their flasks so that their torches will remain lit till the bridegroom arrives. If one place oneself in the context of this parable, you can reflect and discern well what it means to you personally: what is the one thing necessary for me to be and to have before the Lord's return?

As the end of the liturgical year nears, there will be two more Sundays left, before the start of Year B in the Church's cycle of liturgical celebrations. And the next two gospel passages has for its common themes that of stewardship, service and judgment. These last two gospel passages that will be heard in the next two Sundays presents the image of God as a Master entrusting talents to His servants, and a King who judges the world at the end of time. For today's gospel passage, God is presented in the image of a Bridegroom. All these images of God requires one to understand well God's wisdom: that He is both Judge and Divine Mercy. Wisdom calls us to a better awareness of God's sovereignty over life and death, time and eternity.

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