
Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Memorial of Saints (October 3)

St. Francis Borgia was a Spanish nobleman who married, and had eight children. When his wife passed away, he joined the Jesuits at 38 years of age. He eventually became commissionary general in Spain, and founded numerous monasteries, colleges and foundations. In 1565 A.D., he became father general of the Order. His success in revitalizing the Jesuits earned him the recognition as the Order's second founder (died ca. 1572 A.D.).

St. Gerard of Brogne gave up a military career for the religious life. He became a monk at Saint-Denis and founded an abbey in his estate in Brogne, Belgium. He also was a recluse and a reformer. He spent his last years reforming monasteries and restoring monastic discipline (died ca. 959 A.D.).

St. Hesychius was a disciple of the hermit St. Hilarion at Majuma, Palestine. When St. Hilarion went to Egypt, Hesychius followed, and then the two went on to Dalmatia and Cyprus. St. Hilarion sent Hesychius back to the monastery at Majuma to report to the community. When St. Hilarion passed away at Cyprus, St. Hesychius brought the body of his spiritual father back to the monastery of Majuma (died 4th century).

The Two Ewalds were brothers who went as missionaries to Germany in 694 A.D. One was dark and the other fair of skin. Both were killed by barbarians who felt threatened by the brothers' friendship with a local chieftain. The barbarians who killed the two brothers feared that the local chieftain would adopt the Christian faith. However, the chieftain, had the killers of the two brothers put to death (died ca. 695 A.D.).

Sts. Froilan and Attilanus were hermits. They organized a Benedictine community at Moreruela, Old Castile. In 900 A.D., St. Froilan became bishop of Léon, while St. Attilanus was named bishop of Zamora. These two were considered the restorers of Benedictine monasticism in Western Spain. St. Froilan died in ca. 905 A.D.

St. Thomas of Hereford was from a distinguished family in England. He was active and successful in the politics of his time. He became bishop of Hereford, but had to contend with the Archbishop of Canterbury on a certain jurisdictional dispute. St. Thomas was excommunicated by this archbishop. Thomas journeyed to appeal his case to the Pope, but became worn out by the trip and passed away. His shrine was noted for many miracles (died ca. 1282 A.D.).

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